Tyler, William

            William Tyler was born in 1872 in Nicholas County, Kentucky. According to Ancestry Libraries William Tyler’s mother’s name was Manda Tyler and his father’s name was Elijiah Tyler ( also referred to as Lige Tyler in The Cincinnati Post). According to the 1880 Census, William Tyler was the oldest of three siblings. The younger […]

West, Martha and Dever, William

There is ample biographical information about Martha West and William Dever, because they were two of the approximately 50 white people lynched in Kentucky between 1880 and 1950. Martha West (also identified as Pattie Funk, Miss Patty Funk, and Martha Funk) was born around 1861 in Kentucky. According to the 1870 Federal Census, her mother […]

Griffey, Willis

Willis Griffey (also identified as William Griffey and Willis Griffery) was an African American man who lived in Christian County, Kentucky. He was born around 1859 to his mother Priscilla Griffey and her husband, an unidentified man. According to the 1870 Kentucky Census, Priscilla is listed as “Press Griffey.” Priscilla Griffey is listed as a […]