Brown, Lexington Morning Herald, February 7, 1902
Dublin Core
NICHOLASVILLE, Ky., Feb. 6. – (Associated Press.) – Tom Brown, the negro arrested last night charged with criminally assaulting Miss Della Powell, a young white woman, while en route home form the Jessamine Institute, was lynched in the Court Hourse yeard here at noon today in the presence of a large crowd. Brown was 19 years old. He assaulted Miss Powell about 5 o’clock last evening. Officers this morning took him to the scene of the tragedy, where his shoes were found to fit tracks in the snow; thence to the house of Miss Powell’s brother where she is still prostrated from injuries.
The report was circulated that the officers intended to take the prisoner to Lexington for safe keeping. Over 200 armed men followed the officers, who were conveying the prisoner in a carriage, and threatened to shoot the negro if an attempt to take him to Lexington was made. When the victim had a second time positively identified Brown as her assailant, <iss Powell’s brother, heavily armed, led the crowd that followed the carriage of the officers with their prisoner on its return trip. Meantime another large crowd assembled at the jail in waiting for Brown. As the carriage dashed up to the jail, the crowd surrounded it and seized both the officers and prisoners. They dragged the negro from the officers who made the strongest resistance possible. Then Brown was hurried to the Court House yard, two blocks away, where a rope was quickly put around the nefro’s neck, thrown over a limb of a tree immediately in front of the building and the negro quickly drawn up. He was strangled to death and then left hanging as the crowd quietly dispersed without firing a shot or any such disturbance as is usual among enraged crowds. Very many ladies witnessed the hanging and applauded it. Brown made no statement.
The instructions to the Coroner by the county officers were to return a verdict of death at the hands of unknown citizens of Jessamine county.
The body was cut down after hanging for several hours, during which time thousands viewed it.
It was then turned over to an undertaker and has not yet been claimed by the family. Hundreds of county citizens are in the city tonight. There has been some mutterings among the colored population but no trouble is feared.
Miss Powell, who is sixteen years old, is a student at the Jessamine Institute in this city, and lives at her brother’s home, about three miles north. Last evening she started home in company with the Misses Bradem, who also live out of town and attend school here.
Leaving the Braden girls at their home, Miss Powell continued on foot to her brother’s about half a mile further on. At a secluded spot an unknown negro sprang out from the roadside and assaulted her.
When she reached her brother’s house a half hour later she was so ill and dazed that she could give but little description of her assailant, beyond saying that he was a low, heavy set, yellow negro. She was able today fully and clearly identify him when he was brought to her brother’s home.