Brown, Leavenworth Chronicle Tribune, February 6, 1902
Dublin Core
Brown Attacked Girl In Secluded Road as She Was Returning From School–Girl Is But Fifteen Years Old.
Scripps-McRae Telegram
NICHOLASVILER, Ky., Feb. 6. – Tom Brown, a negro was lynched here at noon today by an infuriated mob. The negro last night attacked and brutally assaulted Miss Emma Powell, aged 15 years. Brown caught the girl in a secluded road as she was returning from the Jassamine institute, of which she is a student.
The girl was found prostrated in the road. She gave a description of her assailant and a mob of two hundred men quickly gathered. Bloodhounds were immediately put on the track of the negro fiend and he was captured this morning. He was brought here and lynched at noon.
Miss Powell is in a serious condition. She is the daughter of wealthy merchant here and is well known.