Browse Items (8 total)

Article Transcription Title: Lynched a Negro Murderer. Louisville, Ky., April 16.—Near Bowling Green, seven masked men visited the Old Union neighborhood at an early hour this morning and shot to death Will Skaggs, a negro, 18 years of age, who on…

Article Transcription Title: Shot by Masked Men. LOUISVILLE, KY. April 15.—Near Bowling Green seven masked men visited the old union this morning and shot to death Will Skaggs, a negro, who on Tuesday fatally cut a young white man named Kirby.

Article Transcription Title: KENTUCKY. A Young Negro Boy Brutally Shot to Death by a Mob. BOWLING GREEN, April 16.—[Special.] At an early hour this morning a mob, composed of seven masked men, visited the house of Boyd Johnson, a negro, in the old…

NEWS NOTES. An armed mob shot and killed in Warren county, Ky., Will Skaggs, colored, an escaped murderer.

Kansas City Times, April 17, 1891.png
A Murder Summarily Avenged. LOUISVILLE, KY., APRIL 16–Seven masked men visited the old Union neighborhood near Bowling Green early this morning and shot to death Will Skaggs, a negro 18 years of age, who on Tuesday fatally cut a young white man…

FILLED WITH BULLETS. FATE OF A NEGRO BOY WHO CUT A WHITE ONEA Mob's Vengeance About Two Miles from Bowling Green, Kentucky-The Victim of the Cutting Will Also Pass in His Checks Special to THE LEADER Bowling, Green, KY., April 17.—William Skaggs,…

Cleveland Gazette, 1891.png
Seven White Curs Kill a Boy BOWLING GREEN. KY.--William Skaggs, a colored boy eighteen years old, met death, early last week Thursday morning, a victim to mob violence, in the country about two miles from this city. Skaggs, on Tuesday, went up into…

KILLED BY A MOB. A Murderer Meets Sudden Retribution at the Hands of Masked Men in Warren County. BOWLING GREEN, KY., April 16.--At 2 o’clock this afternoon the news was received at this town of a mob that visited the old Union neighborhood, this…
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