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ANOTHER VICTIM DEAD. Injuries Inflicted By Night Riders Fatal. Hopkinsville, Ky., April 9. – [Special.] – Another murder is laid at the door of the night riders by the death of Tom Weaver at Canton, in Trigg county. About three weeks ago Weaver,…

Shot Down Inoffensive Negro. A band of twenty-five night riders, masked and armed, rode Tuesday night into Golden Pond, a village in Trigg county, and after firing off guns went to the hotel and from the servants’ quarters forced Tom Weaver, aged…

NEGRO TAKEN OUT AND MURDERED BY NIGHT RIDERS AT GOLDEN POND. Second Killing That Has Occurred by Night Riders Within a Week. REIGN OF CRIME STILL UNTOUCHED Following close upon the murder of Hiram Hedge in Nicholas county, comes the news of…
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