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Feeling At Mayfield Has Not Abated Against Stone--Little Doubt of His Guilt. Mayfield Ky., Nov. 27.--(Special)-- The feeling here against Jim Stone, held for the outrage Monday night on Mrs. J. M. R. Green, one of the most highly respected women in…

KENTUCKY NEWS. The Latest News From All Parts of the Commonwealth. ----------- PITCHED BATTLE ----------- Between Whites and Blacks at Mayfield Expected--Tom Chambers Burned to Death by a Mob. PADUCAH, KY., Dec. 22.--Passengers arriving on the…

KENTUCKY NEWS. The Latest News From All Parts of the Commonwealth. ------------------ Jim Stone ----------------- In Danger of Lynching at Mayfield, Ky.-- A Mob Forming. Mayfield, Ky., Dec. 21.--Jim Stone, the Negro charged with outraging Mrs. J.…

Lynching Is In Order. A Mayfield Lady The Victim of a Brutal Negro. At eleven o’clock Monday night the wife of Prof. J. M. R. Green, of this city, was outraged by Jim Stone, a brutal negro living three miles south of town. At the hour named Mrs.…

STONE RETURNED TO MAYFIELD. Suspected of Attempting to Assault Mrs. J. M. R. Green. James Stone, the young colored man who was brought to this city several weeks ago to escape the vengeance of a mob, who believed him guilty of criminal assault upon…

Hurried Away To Escape a Mob That Was Forming, ------- Fiend James Stone Taken to Louisville. Louisville, KY., Nov. 26.--James Stone, who is charged with the assault on Mrs. J. M. Green in Mayfield, was spirited to this city last night from Paducah.…

Left The Mob Mayfield Negro Brought Here From Paducah. --------------- A NARROW ESCAPE. -------------- James Stone Says He Did Not Commit the Assault. -------------- SHERIFF HOLLAND’S STORY James Stone, the young colored man who is…

Stone Talks Freely Will Likely Be Kept Here for Several Weeks. ----------- SAYS HE IS INNOCENT. ----------- But the Mayfield People Think He Is Undoubtedly Guilty. James Stone, the young colored man who was brought to this city from…
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