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Fleeing from Judge Lynch An Exodus of Negros from Hardin County— Lynching of Miles Petty the Alleged Cause [Louisville Commercial] The colored people of Hardin county, Ky., will make a general exodus to Kansas. Two hundred of them have made…

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They Got Him, After Being Thrice Baffled in Former Attempts, a Determined Mob at Last Treats Miles Petty to the Death of the Dastard Elizabethtown, May 9– Last night about 1 o’clock sixteen masked and armed men rode into town, hitched their…

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Was Hanged By Mob Harlan Buckles Had Been Given Life Sentence in Prison– Jury’s Verdict Did Not Please Them– Was Hanged Sunday Morning– Jailer Patterson Was at Depot Loading Stock When Mob Made Raid On His Bastile Elizabethtown, Ky., Nov. 17–…
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