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Details of the Trigg (Ky.) Tragedy. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. HOPKINSVILLE, KY., July 2.—Additional details have been received here of the tragedy enacted in Trigg County Saturday evening, which resulted in the killing of three…

SHOT-RIDDLED. Four Alleged Bad Characters Brought to Earth. TRIGG COUNTY TRAGEDY. The Bloody Affair Started By An Ex-Convict. Prospect for Lively Times in Carter County. THE RAILROAD TAX AGAIN. Hopkinsville, Ky., July 1—(Special.)—News reached…

FOUR PEOPLE SLAIN Result of a Row Caused by a Kentucky Desperado. HIMSELF WAS ONE OF THOSE KILLED Abithah Colston Shot Down One Man and Then Another Who Was Bringing the First a Drink of Water—Lynchers Then Killed the Murderer and a…

GAVE THEMSELVES UP. The Slayers of Colston Claim to Have Acted in Self-Defense. Hopkinsville, Ky., July 6.—The latest information received from the scene of the Trigg county tragedy, which resulted in the death of four persons, was to the effect…

FOUR OF THEM DEAD. A Bad Man in Trigg County Goes Killing and Then Gets Killed Along with a Notorious Woman Who accompanied Him in His Devilment. A Ghastly Story from Western Kentucky That Reads Somewhat Like a Tale of the Mountains. OTHER STATE…

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Negro Taken From Paris Officer Is Lynched When The News closed its report Monday night if the action of a mob of men in taking officers at this point Grant Smith, colored, wanted in Fleming county, on a charge of criminal assault, it was not known…
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