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RAIDERS REVENGE DIXON RACE RIOT The Negro Who Killed Berry is Summarily Executed Take Him Out of Town And Shoot Him by the Roadside. Dixon, Ky., May 31. – Final revenge for the Providence race riot of March 14, in which two white traveling men…

THREE WHITE MEN KILLED BY NEGROES Webster County On Verge of Race War Over Shooting of Town Marshal of Providence. Dixon, Ky., March 15, – After Jake McDowell, a negro, who shot and it is thought fatally wounded Smith Childers, deputy city Marshal…

NEGROES FIRED ON SUPPOSED MOB And Shot Down Two Innocent Men. RACE WAR NOW THREATENED Result of Fatal Wounding of Deputy Marshal at Providence. DIxon, Ky., March 15. – The fatal wounding of Deputy Marshal Smith Childers by Jake McDowell, at…

Positively Exhibit Afternoon and night at LIVINGSTON, MONDAY, JUNE 15 Jake McDowell, the negro who shot and seriously wounded Smith Childress, Deputy Marshal of Dixon, was taken from the jail at Dixon by a mob and later his body was found in the…

JAKE McDOWELL KILLED BY MOB. Taken From Dixon Jail Sunday Morning and Shot to Death. NEGRO WHO HAD SHOOTING SCRAPE WITH SMITH CHILDERS. Dixon, Ky., May 31. – A dozen or so men took Jake McDowell, a negro, from the Webster county jail here this…

Passion and Mob Spirit Bring Fearful Chain of Tragedies in Webster County. DEPUTY MARSHAL CHILDERS AND TWO TRAVELING MEN VICTIMS Ambuscade Formed to Stop Mob and Sight seers are Shot. MCDOWELL MAKES SERIOUS CHARGED AND SAYS HE SHOT CHILDERS IN…
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