Griffey, The Nashville American, October 16, 1894
Dublin Core
HOPKINSVILLE, KY. Oct. 15. –[Special.]– Information has been received here to-day from Princeton to the effect that Willis Griffey, the colored brute who outraged the person of Miss Lena Berry, in the southern portion of this county, two weeks ago, and who, after his arrest, was taken to the Caldwell County jail at Princeton for safety, had been taken from jail by a mob of masked and armed men, last night, and hanged to a tree about a mile from the town. His body was then riddled with bullets.
The Christian County Grand Jury, which is now in session in this city, returned an indictment Saturday night against Griffey, charging him with rape, and when court opened this morning his case was set for trial next Monday. The supposition is that the lynchers, who were quiet and orderly, were South Christian men, neighbors and friends of Miss Berry. The matter has created considerable excitement.