A coldblooded Muder Occurs at Lexington
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 15. - A special to the Commercial from Lexington, Ky., says: Another lynching was added to the unusually large fall series of Blue Grass lynching bees Saturday. Saturday at the close of the…
Edwin Traughber Murder.
Prominent Kentuckians Said to Be Guilty of the Crime.
Special to the Republic.
Clarksville, Tenn., Sept. 27.--Much excitement is reported from Adairville, Southern Kentucky, 35 miles from here, since the convening of the…
Traughber Lynching.
Jury Failed to Agree--Four Were Defendants.
Special to The Republic.
Clarksville, Tenn., Fe. 22--The highly sensational trial of William Proctor, F. P. Apgar, Moses Cook, Jr. and Robert Henderson for the lynching of Edwin…
Five Prominent Citizens of Logan County Held for Murder for Participating in a Lynching.
RUSSELLVILLE, Ky., Aug. 14.--[Special.]--At the examining trial held here to-day bail was refused Frederick P. Apgar, Wm. B. Proctor, Moses Cook,…
Charged With Murder.
RUSSELLVILLE, Ky., Aug. 2.--Moses Cook and Robert Henderson, two prominent citizens, were arrested yesterday charged with the murder of Edwin Traughber, who was hanged by masked men on July 15. It is said three others will be…
A Terrible Deed.
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 15.--During the trial of the men charged with lynching Edwin Traughber, Thursday, Prince McGuire, a colored man, swore he was compelled to assist in the crime, and that the four whites made him, after they…
Russellville, Ky., July 17.--The body of Edwin Traughber was found hanging to a limb in a thicket near Adairville. Sunday night masked men went to his home at Adairville and after calling him out tied his hands and feet and carried him to a…
Two more sensational arrests were made in connection with the brutal hanging of Edwin Traughber at Adairsville, Logan county, July 15. They are Robert Traughber, cousin to the murdered man, and Thomas Mackey, a well known livery man of Adairsville.
Found Hanging to a Limb.
RUSSELLVILLE, Ky., July 16.--The body of Edwin Traughber was found hanging to a limb to-day in a thicket near Adairville. Last night masked men went to Traughber’s home at Adairville, and, after calling him out, tied his…
Held Without Bail.
At the examining trial held at Russellville Tuesday bail was refused Frederick P. Apgar, Wm. B. Proctor, Moses Cook, Robert Henderson and Thos. Mackey, who are charged with the murder of Edwin Traughber, who was taken from his…