Browse Items (5 total)

MT. STERLING Mrs. Thomas, a farmer's wife, outraged by a negro scoundrel, who is arrested. [Special to the courier-journal.]Mt. Sterling, June 14,- To-day about noon as the wife of Robert Thomas, a tobacco man, who lives on Smith Judis' farm, in…

A coldblooded Muder Occurs at Lexington LOUISVILLE, Oct. 15. - A special to the Commercial from Lexington, Ky., says: Another lynching was added to the unusually large fall series of Blue Grass lynching bees Saturday. Saturday at the close of the…

Negro Taken from Blandville Jail by disguised men, Dragged to the Woods, Hanged, Shot, and His Clothing Burned off. …

Lynch Law in Kentucky. Full Particulars of the Lynching of Parker Mayo. Terrible Punishment for a Terrible Crime
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