Griffey, Louisville Courier-Journal, October 16, 1894

Dublin Core


Griffey, Louisville Courier-Journal, October 16, 1894


Griffey, Willis
Charge, rape
Mob, over 100
Mob, hanging
Mob, shooting


Hopkinsville, Ky., Oct. 15. –[Special.]– There was a ripple of excitement here to-day when it became known that a mob of men had taken Griffey from the Princeton jail and hanged him. The Christian county grand jury, which is still in session, returned an indictment Saturday night against Griffey, charging him with rape. Next Monday was the day appointed for his trial. The indictment was based upon the testimony of Miss Berry, the victim of Griffey’s brutal assault. Her story was substantially the same as was reported at the time the crime was first made known to the public. Miss Merry was riding alone from her home, near Lafayette, a town in the southern portion of this county, one morning over two weeks go, when Griffey suddenly appeared before her in a lonely piece of woods and made improper proposals to her. When these were rejected, he seized and tore her from her horse and, taking her into the woods, brutally assaulted her, with threats of killing her if she ever betrayed him. Griffey then left her. She was unconscious several hours, but as soon as she was able she returned home. Noticing her condition, her family finally wrung the truth from her. A searching party was at once organized, and several days later Griffey was found near Madisonville, being brought to this city two weeks ago yesterday. He was taken on that same night to Princeton and lodged in the Caldwell county jail.


Louisville Courier-Journal




Bridan Braun




Princeton, Caldwell County





“Griffey, Louisville Courier-Journal, October 16, 1894,” DRVK News Articles , accessed March 14, 2025,