Posse Kills Negro
After He Wounds Five Persons With Shotgun, Including Chief of Police— Will Sanders Made To Pay The Penalty At The Hands Of A Large Crowd Of Men For Stealing An Overcoat— Charles Swisher, a Passerby Seriously Injured by a Shot in…
Negro, Defying Posse, Killed
Maysville Chief of Police Among Five Wounded— Desperado Is Surrounded In Barn On Farm— Held Pursuers At Bay
Maysville, Ky., March 1– William Sanders, a negro, shot and badly wounded Chief of Police James Mackey and…
Timely Advice to Colored People
We regret to notice a disposition among the less intelligent of the colored people to attribute the recent expression of public sentiment in regard to the crime of Richard Coleman to the existence of a deep seated…
The Latest
Richard Coleman, colored, the confessed murderer of Mrs. James Lashbrooke, was burned to death by a mob at Maysville yesterday. Immediately upon his arrival from Covington in charge of the officers he was surrounded by several thousand…