Browse Items (4 total)

Sanders 1917 2.jpg
Posse Kills Negro After He Wounds Five Persons With Shotgun, Including Chief of Police— Will Sanders Made To Pay The Penalty At The Hands Of A Large Crowd Of Men For Stealing An Overcoat— Charles Swisher, a Passerby Seriously Injured by a Shot in…

Sanders 1917.jpg
Negro, Defying Posse, Killed Maysville Chief of Police Among Five Wounded— Desperado Is Surrounded In Barn On Farm— Held Pursuers At Bay Maysville, Ky., March 1– William Sanders, a negro, shot and badly wounded Chief of Police James Mackey and…

Advice Editorial 1.jpg
Timely Advice to Colored People We regret to notice a disposition among the less intelligent of the colored people to attribute the recent expression of public sentiment in regard to the crime of Richard Coleman to the existence of a deep seated…

Coleman 1899.jpg
The Latest Richard Coleman, colored, the confessed murderer of Mrs. James Lashbrooke, was burned to death by a mob at Maysville yesterday. Immediately upon his arrival from Covington in charge of the officers he was surrounded by several thousand…
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