Haggard, Hartford (KY) Republican, August 16, 1895
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The lynching which occurred at Winchester, Ky., one day last week has turned out to be another case of “I told you so.” A colored man named Haggard was accused of committing an assault upon a girl and without giving a chance for any explanation, a mob of blue bloods dragged the negro from jail and hung him to a bridge. His death was a most fearful one, as he was let down and slowly strangled to death. Fifteen minutes had elapse before the body ceased to show signs of life. Now it develops that there was no assault committed, and the daily press says that the leaders have actually said they are sorry it occurred. That is lots of consolation for a man who is let to heaven with a rope around his neck, and when it’s all over, to hear someone say he feels sorry for him. Winchester is in Kentucky, gentlemen, and we have never seen the place. – [Cannelton Enquirer.