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HE WAS LYNCHED Bob Haggard Taken From The Jail at Winchester And Swung From the Kentucky Central Bridge Early This Morning. The Body Cut Down And Buried Today. WINCHESTER, Ky., July 16. – Bob Haggard, the Negro who was accused of assaulting Myrtle…

A FINE TIME To Find Out That a Lynching Was Unwarranted. A Strong Sentiment That the Recent Winchester EVent Was Unjustifiable–The Grand Jury May Actually Investigate It. WINCHESTER, Ky., July 25. – A strong sentiment prevails here that the…

DOUSED The Glim at Winchester And Robert Haggard’s Life Went Out With It. Bob Was a Large-Sized Colored Man Who Made a Brutal Assault on a White Girl. He Was Caught and the Rope Put Around His Neck. The Sheriff’s Posse Arrived Just in…

STABLE BURNED At the Winchester Fair Grounds Last Night By Incendiaries. A gentleman from Winchester this morning informs THE LEADER that the stable of John T. Jones, located at the fair grounds, near that place, was burned to the ground last…

BUT WILL THEY DO IT? Clark County Grand Jury Advised To “Get a Move On.” [Louisville Commercial.] It seems to be pretty well settled that the Negro Bob Haggard, who was lynched for rape a short time ago, was innocent. Clark county people would do…

Hung an Innocent Man. The lynching which occurred at Winchester, Ky., one day last week has turned out to be another case of “I told you so.” A colored man named Haggard was accused of committing an assault upon a girl and without giving a chance…

“Unknown Persons.” WINCHESTER, Ky., July 18. – The inquest over the body of Bob Haggard, the Negro lynched in this city, resulted in a verdict that his death was caused by “unknown persons.”

Lynching at Winchester. Bob Haggard was hanged by a mob at Winchester, Monday night. The trouble that caused the hanging it set forth in the Democrat as hereunder given: Late Saturday afternoon Bob Haggard, a mulatto, about twenty-one years old,…
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