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Date First Name Last Name Full Name Alternate Names County Race Sex Charge Method of Death Mob Composition Masked ID
1877-07-10 George Stark George Stark Allen White Male Murder and suspected criminal intimacy with an unmarried white woman Hanged 0
1877-05-20 Levi Pile Levi Pile Levi Ballard Black Male Attempted assault and murder of a white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets Disguised 1
1877-03-27 Parker Mayo Parker Mayo Parker Mayes Boone Black Male Rape on a 9 year-old white girl, daughter or a railroad superintendent, and attempted rape of a farmers wife Hanged 2
1877-10-11 Dick Casey Dick Casey Carey Breckinridge Black Male Assaulting a married white woman Hanged 3
1969-12-31 Cook Cook Caldwell White Female Associated with an outlaw gang Hanged 4
1932-02-03 Alfred Neal Alfred Neal Clay Black Male Shot 5
1878-01-01 Stiver Stiver Striver Fayette Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 6
1878-01-16 John Davis John Davis Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Hanged 7
1877-07-01 James Anderson James Anderson Jarvis Anderson Fulton White Male Depredations upon farms; horse theft Riddled with bullets or hanged 8
1877-03-01 Morton Morton Harrison Black Male Causing the death of a neighbor Stabbed 9
1877-09-03 Robert Goodrich Robert Goodrich Bob Goodrich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 10
1877-09-03 James Simmons James Simmons Jim Simmons, King Simmons Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 11
1877-09-03 James Goodrich James Goodrich Joe Goodrich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 12
1877-09-03 Samuel Godrich Samuel Godrich Sam Goodrich, Sam Gorich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 13
1877-12-24 John Nephew John Nephew Jessamine Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man, a grocer Hanged 14
1877-07-01 J. O. Gibbs J. O. Gibbs Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 15
1877-07-01 Andrew Cumming Andrew Cumming Andrew Cummings, Andrew Cummins Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 16
1877-07-01 Kirk Kink Kirk Kink Kirk King, Kirk Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 17
1877-07-01 James Smith James Smith Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 18
1877-03-30 John R. Taber John R. Taber John R. Tiber Rowan White Male 19
1878-01-16 Tom Turner Tom Turner Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Shot 20
1878-01-16 Edward Claxton Edward Claxton Ed Clapton Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Hanged 21
1878-02-15 Reuben Dennis Reuben Dennis Shelby Black Male Striking a white man with a stick of wood during an altercation Shot Ku klux Masked 22
1878-07-02 Sam Champion Sam Champion Livingston Black Male Entered the bedroom of a 16 year-old white girl Hanged Black 23
1878-07-05 George Bullitt George Bullitt Henry Burnett Rowan Black Male outrageous conduct toward a white family; threatening to burn a white mans house Hanged 24
1878-08-16 Green Green Johnson Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 25
1878-08-16 Green Green Johnson Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 26
1878-08-24 Will Green Will Green Gallatin Black Male Shot 27
1878-08-28 Edward Jackson Edward Jackson Ed Jackson, Ned Jackson Whitley Black Male Having an intimate relationship with a married white woman (not rape) Hanged and riddled with bullets 28
1878-09-20 George Duncan George Duncan Caldwell White Male Attempted rape of a high status white girl Disguised 29
1878-11-21 George Williams George Williams Oldham Black Male Outrageous assault on a 8 year-old white child Hanged 30
1878-11-26 Thomas Little Thomas Little Tom Little Breathitt White Male Protecting his brother who was accused of killing his wife Shot 31
1878-11-26 John W. Burnett John W. Burnett Judge Burnett Breathitt White Male Trying to protect a prisoner who was accused of killing his wife Shot 32
1878-11-26 William Freeman William Freeman Breathitt White Male Riddled with bullets 33
1879-03-16 Peter Klein Peter Klein Peter Klien , Peter Kline Campbell White Male Felonious assault upon a married white woman Hanged Masked 34
1879-03-23 Jerry Ewing Jerry Ewing Fulton Black Male Rape of a 10-12 year-old white girl, daughter of his employer Shot Masked 35
1879-06-22 Henry Black Female Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 36
1879-06-22 Henry Russell Henry Russell Henry Black Male Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 37
1879-06-22 Faulkner Faulkner Henry Black Female Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 38
1879-07-14 John Breckinridge John Breckinridge John Breckenridge Nicholas Black Male Outraged an unmarried white woman Hanged 39
1879-09-04 Theodore Daniel Theodore Daniel Theodore Daniels Boone Black Male Attempted outrage of an unmarried 15 year-old white girl Riddled with bullets Disguised 40
1879-10-20 John W. Kendell John W. Kendell John W. Kendall, J. W. Kendell Elliott White Male Being an outlaw Hanged 41
1879-10-20 Wm. McMills Wm. McMills Wm. McMilan, William McMillan Elliott White Male Being an outlaw Hanged 42
1880-03-18 James Binion James Binion Jas. Binion, James Bincon Carter White Male Housing a notorious character Shot Regulators 43
1880-03-18 John Boggs John Boggs  Carter White Male Being a notorious character Hanged and shot Regulators 44
1880-04-02 Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Ben Plunktum Clark Black Male Assault on a respectable young [white] lady Hanged 45
1880-05-08 Joe Johnson Joe Johnson Todd Black Male Outrage and murder of a married white woman Hanged and shot 46
1880-06-26 Jack Williams Jack Williams Union Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged and shot 47
1880-08-03 Mason Black Male Killing a white man Regulators 48
1880-08-03 Mason Black Male Killing a white man Regulators 49
1880-08-26 Green Ellis Green Ellis Green Easy, Green Erzy Todd Black Male Robbing and beating a white woman Hanged 50
1880-12-23 John Campbell John Campbell Hart Black Male Murderous assault and robbery on a white man Hanged 51
1880-12-23 Sam Campbell Sam Campbell Hart Black Male Murderous assault and robbery on a white man Hanged 52
1881-04-28 John Winn John Winn Bourbon White Male Murder of a white man, his employer and 18-19 year-old lovers son Multiple shots Masked 53
1881-08-16 Ed Reines Ed Reines E. Reeves Graves Black Male Attempted ravishing of an unmarried white woman 54
1881-09-12 Samuel Ramey Samuel Ramey Samuel Rainey, Sam Ramsey Bath White Male Murder if a young farmer Hanged 55
1882-03-06 Robert Sarver Robert Sarver Bob Sarver Simpson Black Male Attempted outrage of a 15 year-old white girl Hanged Masked 56
1882-04-27 Bradford Courts Bradford Courts Bracken White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 57
1882-04-27 William Courts William Courts Wm. Courts Bracken White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 58
1882-06-03 George Ellis George Ellis Boyd White Male Murder of a white boy and two white girls, and outrage on one girl Hanged Masked 59
1882-06-15 James Mitchell James Mitchell Jim Mitchell Montgomery Black Male Outrage on a married white woman Hanged 60
1882-07-12 Wm. Ritter Wm. Ritter William Ritter Henderson Black Male Rape and murder of a 12 year old black/mulatto girl Hanged Black Masked 61
1882-08-02 Richard Speakman Richard Speakman Richard Spearman Barren White Male Outraged a married white woman Hanged and shot 62
1882-08-02 Bishop Emberton Bishop Emberton Bish Emberton, Dish Emberton Barren White Male Outraged a married white woman Hanged and shot 63
1882-08-09 Pharmer McCoy Pharmer McCoy Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 64
1882-08-09 Randolph Jr. McCoy Randolph McCoy Jr. Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 65
1882-08-09 Tolbert McCoy Tolbert McCoy Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 66
1882-08-12 Budd Campbell Budd Campbell Bud Campbell Caldwell White Male Being a desperado Shot and hanged 67
1882-08-12 Riley Campbell Riley Campbell Caldwell White Male Being a desperado Riddled with bullets 68
1882-09-29 Mary Sullivan Mary Sullivan Caldwell White Female Accomplice to murder of her lover Hanged 69
1883-05-08 Wat Cox Wat Cox Hopkins Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman Hanged Masked 70
1883-05-12 Vaughn Helton Vaughn Helton Vaughn Hilton, Vaughan Hilton Menifee White Male Shot 71
1883-05-30 Sid Combs Sid Combs Ted Combs, Ed Combs Letcher White Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 72
1883-06-10 Henry Colbert Henry Colbert Fulton Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Shot Masked 73
1883-10-12 Nelson Cooper Nelson Cooper Logan Black Male Murder of a disreputable white man Hanged Masked 74
1883-10-12 Samuel Bailey Samuel Bailey Samuel Daly, Sambo Daily/Bailey, Sambo Jarley Logan Black Male Murder of a disreputable white man Hanged Masked 75
1883-11-09 James Truxtill James Truxtill James Truxhill, James Troxtill Pulaski White Male Outrage on a married white woman Hanged 76
1884-02-19 Pinten Young Pinten Young Peyton Young Marion Black Male Assaulting a white woman, possibly a prostitute Hanged 77
1884-02-19 Benjamin McElroy Benjamin McElroy Ben McElroy Marion Black Male Assaulting a white woman, possibly a prostitute Hanged 78
1884-04-09 William Strong William Strong String, Ben Strong Breathitt Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 79
1884-04-09 Henry Kilburn Henry Kilburn Kenry Kilburn Breathitt White Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 80
1884-05-04 Charles Dickerson Charles Dickerson C. D. Dickerson Boone Black Male Burglary Hanged Masked 81
1884-05-09 Miles Petty Miles Petty Niles Petty Hardin Black Male Outraged an unmarried white woman Hanged Masked 82
1884-07-05 Bill Gillespe Bill Gillespe Nicholas Black Male Murder of a black man Shot Possibly black 83
1884-07-06 Richard Henderson Richard Henderson Dick Henderson Logan Black Male Cutting white boy Masked 84
1884-07-14 W. J. Lucas W. J. Lucas Daviess White Male Defending the jail from a lynch mob Shot Masked 85
1884-07-14 Richard May Richard May Dick May Daviess Black Male Attempted rape of a young white woman, daughter of a prominent farmer Hanged Masked 86
1884-11-25 John G. Hughes John G. Hughes J. G. Hughes Rowan White Male Regulators 87
1884-12-10 John P. Martin John P. Martin John Martin Rowan White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets Masked 88
1885-01-03 John Stapleton John Stapleton John Stepleton, James Stapleton, Jno. Stapleton Magoffin White Male Accessory to murder of a 27 year-old white man Hanged 89
1885-05-26 Wesley Hicks Wesley Hicks Wes Hicks Simpson White Male Burning a home and a barn Hanged 90
1885-05-26 Jerry Taylor Jerry Taylor Simpson White Male Burning a home and a barn Hanged 91
1885-09-11 Sam Scales Sam Scales Richard Scales Boone White Male Rape of a 5 year-old white girl Hanged and riddled with bullets Ku klux 92
1886-01-24 Calvin Simpson Calvin Simpson Clement Simpson Henderson Black Male Murder of an old married white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 93
1886-03-10 Handy Woodward Handy Woodward Logan Black Male Attempted outrage of a 12 year-old white girl Hanged Masked 94
1886-03-22 Hampton Wade Hampton Wade H_elp Wade, Help Wade Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 95
1886-03-22 Alexander North Alexander North Alex North, Unnamed Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 96
1886-03-22 Henry Shaw Henry Shaw Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 97
1886-04-28 Meredith Jones Meredith Jones Mendy Jones, Meridy Jones, Merudy Jones Logan Black Male Attempted rape of two white girls Shot Masked 98
1886-06-28 Turkison Turkison Turkinson Elliott White Male Arson of a church and four homes and poisoning cattle Shot 99
1886-06-28 Simens Simens Siemens, Simons/Simmons Elliott White Male Arson of a church and four homes and poisoning cattle Shot 100
1887-01-29 Wm. Lud Cornish Wm. Lud Cornish William Cornish Washington White Male Murder of a young white woman and beating her mother Hanged Masked 101
1887-03-10 William Jackson William Jackson Wm. Jackson Pendleton Black Male Killed a white man Hanged Masked 102
1887-07-20 John Vanderford John Vanderford Fulton Black Male Criminal assault on a 6 year-old white girl Hanged and shot 103
1887-09-03 Charles Coleman Charles Coleman Thomas Coleman Fleming Black Male Assault on a widowed white woman and attempted criminal assault on a young, unmarried white woman Hanged 104
1887-12-24 Thomas Doss Thomas Doss Tom Doss, Thomas Dass, Tom Dess Simpson Black Male Killing an old white man Hanged Masked 105
1888-02-27 Samuel Price Samuel Price Sam Price, Isaac Price Hickman White Male Murder of a white man, a sheriff Hanged Masked 106
1888-02-27 Bill Reams Bill Reams William Reaws, William Reams Hickman Black Male Murderous assault on a white man, a farmer Hanged Masked 107
1888-03-14 John Henry Skinner John Henry Skinner Henry H. Skinner, John Reynolds Christian Black Male Attempted murder of a white man, a farmer; shot a white woman Hanged Masked 108
1888-05-10 Thomas Reney Thomas Reney Warren Black Male Poisoning 20 horses belong to his former white employer Hanged 109
1888-06-10 James Foster James Foster Henderson Black Male Rape of 8 year-old black girl Hanged Black and white 110
1888-07-06 Robert Bryan Robert Bryan Henderson Black Male Murder of a white teenaged boy Hanged Masked 111
1889-05-20 Joseph Thornton Joseph Thornton Joe Thornton, Jos. Thornton Ballard Black Male Rape of young white girl Hanged - strangulation Masked 112
1889-06-22 Tony Cravasso Tony Cravasso Toney Cravasso, Tony Gravasso Bell White Male Murder of a white man, a railroad contractor Hanged 113
1889-06-26 Harry Ardell Harry Ardell Charles Ardell, Harry Forrest, Ardwell Bullitt White Male Murder of a Polish Jew peddler Hanged Masked 114
1889-07-26 James Kelly James Kelly Jim Kelly Bourbon Black Male Rape of a married white woman, wife of a section boss of the Kentucky Central railroad Hanged 115
1889-09-01 Wayne Black Male Outraging a 12 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent and wealthy farmer Burned at the stake 116
1889-11-24 Joseph A. Smith Joseph A. Smith J. O. A. Smith, O. A. Smith Todd White Male Murder of a white man, a marshal Hanged 117
1889-12-09 Jack Turner Jack Turner John Turner Green Black Male Murder of a young white man Hanged 118
1889-12-19 Doc Jones Doc Jones Dock Jones Daviess Black Male Murder of a white barber Hanged 119
1890-03-20 Dan Gruell Dan Gruell Benjamin Grewell Harrison White Male Swindling, threatening to kill his neighbors, cruelity to his wife Hanged Masked 120
1890-04-16 Samuel Moody Samuel Moody Sam Moody, Samuel Woody Logan Black Male Murder of his father Hanged and riddled with bullets Black 121
1890-06-24 Henry Watson Henry Watson Henry Watts Breckinridge Black Male Attempted rape of a 12 year-old white girl, daughter of a well-known citizen Hanged 122
1890-08-21 John Henderson John Henderson Woodford Black Male Murder of a prominent white farmer, his employer Hanged 123
1890-10-02 Ernest Humphreys Ernest Humphreys Caldwell Black Male Murder of a black man Hanged 124
1891-04-16 Will Skaggs Will Skaggs William Skapp, Will Skapp Warren Black Male Murderous assault on a white man Shot Masked 125
1891-05-20 Henry Wilcox Henry Wilcox Hy Wilcox, George Wilcox Elliott White Male Kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 21 year-old unmarried white woman, a school teacher Shot 126
1891-05-20 John Wilcox John Wilcox Elliott White Male Kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 21 year-old unmarried white woman, a school teacher Shot 127
1891-06-09 Ivan E. Shelby Ivan E. Shelby Evans Shelby Ballard White Male Murder and robbery of a married white woman Hanged 128
1891-07-17 Frank Rossimus Frank Rossimus Frank Rassimus Bell White Male Attempted to provoke the police into an ambush Shot Masked 129
1891-07-20 Sam Pulliam Sam Pulliam Sam Pullman, Samuel Pulhani Anderson Black Male Rape of a respectable young [white] married woman, wife of a prominent farmer Hanged 130
1891-07-24 Jobe Grainger Jobe Grainger John Granger, John Grange, John Trainger Simpson Black Male Threatened white man, his employer Hanged 131
1891-08-28 James Dudley James Dudley Frank Dudley, John Dudley Scott Black Male Murder of a white man, a wealthy farmer Hanged and shot 132
1891-09-15 Joe Gilland Joe Gilland Josiah Gilliland Pulaski White Male Murder of a white sheriff Hanged 133
1891-09-15 James Harve Gilland James Harve Gilland Harvey Gilland, James H. Gilliland Pulaski White Male Murder of a white sheriff Hanged 134
1891-11-11 Joe Mitchell Joe Mitchell Fulton Black Male Attempted rape of white girl - Hanged and shot 135
1892-01-27 Lige Gibson Lige Gibson Lee Gibson, Lego Gibson Owen Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 136
1892-05-31 Wick Willis Wick Willis Nick Willis, Heck Willis, Hech Willis Taylor Black Male Attempted to rape a young unmarried white woman Hanged 137
1892-06-06 Austin Porter Austin Porter Carter White Male Murdered his wife Hanged 138
1892-06-09 Charles Hill Charles Hill Charley Hill McCracken Black Male Assault on an unmarried white woman Hanged 139
1892-07-11 Elmer Edwards Elmer Edwards McCracken White Male Opposing a mob Shot Black 140
1892-07-12 Henry Purvine Henry Purvine McCracken Black Male Shot Militia 141
1892-07-13 John Redfern John Redfern J. R. Redferin Simpson White Male Murder of a white man and fatally injuring a black man Hanged 142
1892-08-16 Logan Murphy Logan Murphy Montgomery White Male Murder of a young white man 143
1892-09-02 John Wilcoxsen John Wilcoxsen John Wilcoxson Metcalfe Black Male Murder of a young white man, a farmer Shot 144
1892-12-19 James Bond James Bond Jim Bond, Jim Coleman Todd Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman Hanged 145
1892-12-28 Bob Harper Bob Harper Warren Black Male Murderous assault and probable rape upon an unmarried white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 146
1893-01-11 Edward Moorman Edward Moorman  Ed Moorman Meade Black Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged 147
1893-01-12 Richard Moorman Richard Moorman Dick Moorman Meade Black Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged 148
1893-05-03 James Collins James Collins John Collins, J. B. Clark, Jim Collins Grant White Male Theft Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 149
1893-07-07 Seay J. Miller Seay J. Miller Charles F. Miller, C. J. Miller, S. J. Miller/Glass-Eating Joe Carlisle Black Male Outrage and murder of two white girls, sisters Hanged 150
1893-07-19 Rodney Gray Rodney Gray McCracken Black Male Robbery Stabbed Black 151
1893-07-26 Graves Black Male Self-defense cut a white man with a knife Thrown into a threshing machine 152
1893-08-01 Felix Poole Felix Poole Ohio White Male Assault on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 153
1893-08-15 McCracken Black Male Ravishing a married white woman Shot 154
1893-08-18 Charles Walton Charles Walton Charles A. Waltoo, Charles Watson Union Black Male Murder of a 10 year-old white boy Hanged 155
1893-08-28 Leonard Taylor Leonard Taylor Leonard Gough, Dennis Goff Henry Black Male Murderous assault on a young/boy white (Italian) peddler Hanged Masked 156
1893-09-02 Wm. Akerson Wm. Akerson Bill Akerson, William Arkinson, William Arkison/Bill Atkison Lincoln Black Male Attempted outrage on a 8-9 year-old white girl Hanged 157
1893-12-15 Henry G. Givens Henry G. Givens Henry Givens Hopkins Black Male Poisoning stock and threatening to poison a school well Riddled with bullets 158
1894-01-07 Joshua Mitchell Joshua Mitchell Josh Mitchell Harrison Black Male Leader of a gang of thieves Riddled with bullets Whitecaps 159
1894-01-21 M. G. Gamble M. G. Gamble M. G. Gumble Whitley Black Male Outrage on an 11 year-old white girl Hanged 160
1894-03-02 Leonard Tye Leonard Tye Len Tye Harlan Black Male Kidnapping and repeated rapes of a white woman Skinned and head burned 161
1894-06-25 Caleb Gadly Caleb Gadly Caleb Godly, Cabel Gadley Warren Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman, his employers wife Hanged 162
1894-07-15 Edwin Traughber Edwin Traughber Logan White Male Bad character and attempted murder of a white family Hanged 163
1894-07-16 Marion Howard Marion Howard Allen Black Male Criminal assault on an under 10 year-old white girl Hanged 164
1894-07-17 Louis Laferdetta Louis Laferdetta Louis Lafardette, Louis Lafordette, Louis Lafierdettta Boone White Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged Masked 165
1894-07-26 William Tyler William Tyler Wm. Tyler, Bill Tyler Nicholas Black Male Criminal assault on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 166
1894-08-14 Marshall Boston Marshall Boston Franklin Black Male Rape of a married white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 167
1894-10-01 Berry Rich Berry Rich Rich Berry Crittenden White Male Arson and theft of livestock Hanged Whitecaps 168
1894-10-09 Alexander Richardson Alexander Richardson Alex Richardson, Al Richardson Estill White Male Outrage and murder of a married white woman Hanged 169
1894-10-14 Willis Griffey Willis Griffey Caldwell Black Male Attempted criminal assault on an 18 year-old unmarried white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 170
1894-10-14 Oscar Morton Oscar Morton Oscar Martin Lee White Male Murder of white man, a sheriff Hanged and riddled with bullets 171
1894-10-30 Edward Martin Edward Martin Eddie Martin, Eddy Martin Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists; refusing to inform on another man Hanged 172
1894-11-04 Gabe Nalls Gabe Nalls Gabe Nolla, Gobella, George B. Nolla Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists Whitecaps 173
1894-11-04 Ulysses Nalls Ulysses Nalls Ulyssess Nalls, Ulysses Nolla, Son of Gobella Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists Whitecaps 174
1894-12-08 Thomas Edgington Thomas Edgington Washington White Male Wife-beating Shot Whitecaps 175
1895-01-01 Tom Blair Tom Blair Thomas Blair, Thomas Blau Montgomery White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 176
1895-04-25 George Ray George Ray Washington Black Male Illicit relations with white women and making threats against whitecaps Hanged Whitecaps 177
1895-05-16 John M. Howardton John M. Howardton John Howerton, John Howeston, John Powerton Crittenden White Male Criminal assault on the 16 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent white farmer Hanged 178
1895-05-24 Claude Kennedy Claude Kennedy Claude Thompson Union Black Male Attempted outrage on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 179
1895-06-28 Mollie Smith Mollie Smith Milly Smith Trigg White Female Aiding murderer of two white men, farmers Riddled with buckshot 180
1895-06-28 Abitahl Colston Abitahl Colston C. Frank Colston Trigg White Male Murder of two white men, farmers Riddled with buckshot 181
1895-07-08 Hewlett Howton Hewlett Howton Howton Howelett Caldwell White Male Suspected of burning some fences and informing Shot Masked 182
1895-07-16 Robert Haggard Robert Haggard Robert Huggard, Bob Haggard Clark Black Male Attempting to criminally assault a young unmarried white woman Hanged 183
1895-08-26 Harrison Lewis Harrison Lewis Washington Black Male Murder of a black man Hanged Black 184
1895-09-02 William Butcher William Butcher Wm. Butcher Fulton Black Male Assault and threatening white police officer Riddled with bullets Whitecaps 185
1895-11-18 Henderson Black Male Assault on a 18 year-old black girl Shot Black 186
1895-11-18 Henderson Black Male Assault on a 18 year-old black girl Shot Black 187
1895-11-23 Marshall Black Male Train wrecking Riddled with bullets 188
1895-12-29 William Dever William Dever Wm. Dever, William Deveres Marion White Male Adultery Riddled with bullets 189
1895-12-29 Mrs. T. J. West Mrs. T. J. West Mrs. Thomas J. West Marion White Female Adultery Burned 190
1896-02-15 Fountain Martin Fountain Martin Fomit Martin, Fount Martin Wayne White Male Barn-burning Hanged Masked 191
1896-03-13 John Windors John Windors John Winders, John Windsors Todd White Male Wife-beating and general misconduct Hanged Whitecaps 192
1896-05-10 W. H. Paschall W. H. Paschall Unnamed Negro, Unknown Negro Fulton Black Male Murderous assault on a white man, a marshal Hanged 193
1896-09-10 Thomas White Thomas White Caldwell Black Male Shot Whitecaps 194
1896-12-07 Thomas Barnett Thomas Barnett Breathitt White Male Mistaken identity Shot Ku klux 195
1896-12-18 Dink Procter Dink Procter Pink Proctor, Dink Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged 196
1896-12-18 Arch Procter Arch Procter Arch Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged 197
1896-12-18 William Procter William Procter Bill Proctor, Wm. Procter, Will Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged and riddled with bullets 198
1896-12-18 George Finley George Finley Henry Finley Graves Black Male Attacking a white man Shot Masked 199
1896-12-21 James Stone James Stone Jim Stone Graves Black Male Criminally assaulting a married white woman Hanged and shot Masked 200
1896-12-22 Will Suett Will Suett William Suett, Will Suet Graves Black Male Race prejudice Shot 201
1896-12-26 Alfred Alexander Alfred Alexander Alf Alexander, Alfred Holt Daviess Black Male Murder of a white man, a policeman Hanged-strangulation 202
1897-02-04 Robert Morton Robert Morton Warren Black Male Writing an insulting letter to a young unmarried white woman Hanged 203
1897-04-12 Wilber Boyden Wilber Boyden William Brayden, William Braydee, Wilber Bayden Bell White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 204
1897-07-21 Ephraim Brinkley Ephraim Brinkley Hopkins White Male Bad character, suspected murderer, and hog & cattle thief Hanged 205
1897-08-06 Jack Williams Jack Williams Knox White Male Criminally assaulting a white girl, a deaf mute 206
1897-08-13 George Wilson George Wilson Nicholas Black Male Bad reputation; robbery Hanged 207
1897-08-22 Elkanah Sullivan Elkanah Sullivan Eleany Sullivan, Elcany Sullivan Whitley White Male Murderous assault on his sister-in-law Hanged 208
1897-09-26 Raymond Bushrod Raymond Bushrod Raymond Brushrod Hancock Black Male Rape of a 14 year-old white girl Hanged 209
1898-02-23 Richard Allen Richard Allen Graves Black Male Robbery Hanged-strangulation 210
1898-06-16 Caleb Gaines Caleb Gaines Gams Calls Barren Black Male Attempted to outrage a young white girl Hanged 211
1898-06-26 George Scott George Scott George Stout Logan Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a married white woman Hanged 212
1898-10-21 Arch Bauer Arch Bauer Arch Baun, Arch Baur Cumberland Black Male Assaulting and attempted murder of a young unmarried white woman, a prominent white farmers daughter Hanged and shot 213
1898-11-30 Fulton Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man 214
1898-12-14 Pleas Goin Pleas Goin Bell White Male Killing one white man and fatally wounding another white man Hanged and riddled with bullets 215
1899-06-27 Henry Stewart Henry Stewart Henry Stevens Fulton Black Male Robbery and assault on a white man Hanged Black and white 216
1899-08-19 John Bolin John Bolin Squab Bolin Fulton Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man Hanged 217
1899-12-06 Richard Coleman Richard Coleman Dick Coleman Mason Black Male Rape and murder of the wife of a well-to-do white farmer, his employer Burned 218
1900-10-18 Fratus Warfield Fratus Warfield Fraten Warfield, Fratur Warfield, Erastus Warfield Todd Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a married white woman Hanged 219
1901-02-11 George Carter George Carter Bourbon Black Male Attempted assault on a married white woman, wife of a banker Hanged - strangulation 220
1901-08-20 Frank Stevens Frank Stevens Ohio Black Male Assault on a married white woman Hanged 221
1901-09-12 Samuel Feed Samuel Feed Samuel Reed, Sam Reed, Frank Feed Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 222
1901-09-12 Frank Howard Frank Howard Sam Howard Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 223
1901-09-12 Ernest Harris Ernest Harris Ernst Harrison Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 224
1901-10-02 Jimbo Fields Jimbo Fields Jumbo Fields, Jumbo Field Shelby Black Male Murder of a white man, a printer Hanged 225
1901-10-02 Clarence Garnett Clarence Garnett Clarence Garnet Shelby Black Male Murder of a white man, a printer Hanged 226
1901-10-08 Mrs. Ben C. Perkins Mrs. Ben C. Perkins Shelby White Female Being present at the lynching Frightened 227
1901-10-26 Robert H. Coffey Robert H. Coffey  Christian White Male Labor troubles in the coal mines Riddled with bullets 228
1901-10-31 Silas Esters Silas Esters LaRue Black Male Sexual molestation of a 15 year-old white boy Riddled with bullets 229
1902-01-11 James Mayes James Mayes Jim Mays, Jas. Mays Washington Black Male Assaulted the unmarried daughter of a prominent white farmer Hanged 230
1902-02-06 Thomas Brown Thomas Brown Tom Brown Jessamine Black Male Criminal assault on a 15 year-old white girl, daughter of once local Republican leader Hanged 231
1902-02-14 Bill Dooley Bill Dooley Bell Duly, Bell Dooley, Duly Bell Fulton Black Male Altercation with a white Special Officer Shot 232
1902-03-19 Elijah Drake Elijah Drake Breckinridge Black Male Stealing chickens Shot 233
1902-03-20 James Stewart James Stewart Jas. Stewart Breckinridge Black Male Larceny Shot 234
1902-04-30 Ernest Dewley Ernest Dewley Ernest Deewly Meade Black Male Shooting (wounding) a young white man Hanged and riddled with bullets 235
1902-07-17 Joshua Anderson Joshua Anderson Josh Anderson, Joseph Anderson, John Anderson Daviess White Male Murder of his wife Hanged Masked 236
1902-11-16 Harlan Buckles Harlan Buckles Harlan Buckless, Allen Buckles Hardin Black Male Murder of a white deputy sheriff Hanged 237
1903-01-24 John Jones John Jones McLean Black Male Assault on a 27 year-old married black woman Shot-drown Black 238
1903-07-15 William Thacker William Thacker Wm. Thacker, William Thackson Fleming White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 239
1903-10-16 Thomas Hall Thomas Hall Tom Hall, Bob Duglas, Bob Douglas Ballard Black Male Shooting a 18 year-old white boy Hanged 240
1904-01-24 Lewis Radford Lewis Radford Todd Black Male Rape and murder of a black woman Shot and hanged Black 241
1904-08-30 Joseph Bumpass Joseph Bumpass Joe Bumpass Fulton Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a 13-18 year-old unmarried white girl Drown 242
1905-07-07 Leon Beard Leon Beard Lon Beard, Lew Beard Spencer Black Male Attempt to assault a married white woman Riddled with bullets 243
1905-09-24 Moses Lovern Moses Lovern Pike Black Male Assaulting a white man Whipped, beaten, and stoned Masked 244
1905-10-12 Frank Leavell Frank Leavell Todd Black Male Attempted for force entry into the home of an unmarried white woman and her mother  Hanged Masked 245
1905-10-17 Virgil Bowers Virgil Bowers Virgil Powers Laurel Black Male Murder of a white man, a prominent and wealth white lumber dealer Hanged Masked 246
1906-01-21 Ernest Baker Ernest Baker Trigg Black Male Attempted criminal assault on an unmarried 18 year-old white girl Hanged 247
1907-08-16 Will Clifford Will Clifford William Clifford, Wm. Clifford Hickman Black Male Rape and murder of 50-56 year-old married white woman Hanged 248
1908-03-21 Harlan Hedges Harlan Hedges Nicholas White Male Refused to put his tobacco crop in a collective pool Shot Night riders 249
1908-03-24 Tom Weaver Tom Weaver Thomas Weaver Trigg Black Male Shot Night riders 250
1908-04-03 George Tutt George Tutt Todd Black Male Carrying a revolver Masked 251
1908-05-31 Jake McDowell Jake McDowell Jacob McDowell Webster Black Male Murderous assault on a white deputy marshal Shot 252
1908-08-01 Joseph Riley Joseph Riley Joe Riley Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 253
1908-08-01 John Jones John Jones Thomas Jones , Thos. Jones, Tom Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 254
1908-08-01 Virgil Jones Virgil Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 255
1908-08-01 Robert Boyer Robert Boyer Robert Jones, Robt. Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 256
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Child of Davis, Walkers Child Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 257
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Daughter of Davis, Child of Wallace Fulton Black Female Race prejudice Shot Night riders 258
1908-10-03 David Walker David Walker Dave Walker, David Wallace, Wallace Davis Fulton Black Male Cursed white woman and threatened a white man Riddled with bullets Night riders 259
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 260
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Walkers Child, Child of David Wallace, Child of Davis Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 261
1908-10-03 Mrs. David Walker Mrs. David Walker Mrs. Wallace Davis, Mrs. Wallace, Wife of David Wallace Fulton Black Female Race prejudice Shot Night riders 262
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Child of Davis, Walkers Child, Child of Wallace Fulton Black Cursed a white woman and threatened a white man with a pistol Shot Night riders 263
1908-12-16 Elmer Hill Elmer Hill James Hill Russell White Male Murder of his cousin, a 12 year-old white girl Hanged 264
1909-04-09 Benjamin/Ben Brame Benjamin/Ben Brame Booker Brame, Bennie Booker Brame, Bennie Brame Trigg Black Male Attempted rape of 17 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent Trigg Co. farmer Hanged 265
1909-06-03 John Maxey John Maxey Jno. Maxey, John May Franklin Black Male Shot a white man, employee of a circus Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 266
1909-08-09 John Simpson John Simpson Allen White Male Involved in a dispute over custody of a child Shot Masked 267
1909-08-09 Wallace Miller Wallace Miller Trigg Black Male Attempted assault on 11 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent farmer Hanged 268
1910-03-29 Charles Carroll Charles Carroll Carroll Edmonson White Male Shot Night riders 269
1911-01-15 Eugene Marshall Eugene Marshall Gene Marshall Shelby Black Male Murder of a black woman Hanged Masked 270
1911-01-15 Wade Patterson Wade Patterson John Patterson Shelby Black Male Insulted white women Shot Masked 271
1911-01-15 James West James West Sam West, Jim West Shelby Black Male Attempting liberties with a 14 year-old white girl flirting Masked 272
1911-04-20 William Potter William Potter M. Potter, Will Porter McLean Black Male Wounded a 22 year-old white man Riddled with bullets 273
1911-05-22 J. W. King J. W. King Letcher White Male Hanged 274
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 275
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 276
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 277
1913-09-26 Joseph Richardson Joseph Richardson Joe Richardson Grayson Black Male Criminal assault on an 11 year-old white girl 278
1914-11-12 Henry Allen Henry Allen Henry Alley Muhlenberg White Male Possible falling out with a band of regulators Hanged Regulators 279
1915-01-12 Pedro Mohundro Pedro Mohundro Pedro Molinndro, Pedro Molfundro, P. Molinndro/Peter Onohund Ballard Black Male Failed to leave the area Riddled with bullets Night riders Masked 280
1915-02-09 Thomas Tinker Thomas Tinker Tom Tinker Graves White Male Murder of a white man, a constable Hanged and riddled with bullets 281
1915-02-12 Houston Underwood Houston Underwood Estill White Male Mistaken identity Shot 282
1915-06-04 Arthur Bell Arthur Bell Caldwell Black Male Burglary and attempted to assault a young married white woman Hanged Masked 283
1915-11-28 Ellis Buckner Ellis Buckner Henderson Black Male Detaining an unmarried white woman against her will Hanged Masked 284
1916-10-16 Brack Kinley Brack Kinley Brock Henley, Brick Kenley  McCracken Black Male Beat and criminally assaulted a married white woman Hanged 285
1916-10-16 Luther Durrett Luther Durrett James Thornhill, Jesse Durett McCracken Black Male Criticized mob taking Brack Kinley to be lynched and threatening whites Hanged 286
1917-05-20 Lawrence Dempsey Lawrence Dempsey Laurence Dempsey Fulton Black Male Assault with a razor upon a white railroad watchman Hanged 287
1918-12-16 Charles Lewis Charles Lewis Charlie Lewis Fulton Black Male Assaulting a white man, a deputy sheriff, robbery Hanged Masked 288
1920-02-09 L. M. King L. M. King Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 289
1920-02-09 John Thomas John Thomas Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 290
1920-02-09 William Effington William Effington Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 291
1920-02-09 B. F. Carrier B. F. Carrier Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 292
1920-03-29 Grant Smith Grant Smith Fleming Black Male Rape [twice] of the teenage daughter of his former employer Hanged 293
1921-03-13 Richard James Richard James Woodford Black Male Murder of two white men Hanged 294
1923-08-10 Dinnie Williams Dinnie Williams Harlan White Male Killed a white man, a coal miner Shot 295
1924-10-26 Frederick Shannon Frederick Shannon Kid Shannon, Fred Shannon Floyd Black Male Murdered a white man Riddled with bullets 296
1926-06-15 Primus Kirby Primus Kirby Trimus Kirby Todd Black Male Murdered his wife and wounded a white man, a deputy Hanged and riddled with bullets 297
1929-12-25 Chester Fugate Chester Fugate Breathitt White Male Murder of a white man Shot 298
1932-04-16 C. P. Stivers C. P. Stivers C.T. Stivers Clay Black Male Being a witness to the killing of a black man Multiple shotgun blasts 299
1932-05-31 Walter Merrick Walter Merrick Caldwell White Male Dynamiting store and seriously injuring its white owner Hanged Masked 300
1934-01-24 Rex Scott Rex Scott Knott Black Male Clubbing a white man during an altercation who later died Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 301