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Table of Lynching Victims

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Date First Name Last Name Full Name Alternate Names County Race Sex Charge Method of Death Mob Composition Masked ID
1877-07-10 George Stark George Stark Allen White Male Murder and suspected criminal intimacy with an unmarried white woman Hanged 0
1877-05-20 Levi Pile Levi Pile Levi Ballard Black Male Attempted assault and murder of a white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets Disguised 1
1877-03-27 Parker Mayo Parker Mayo Parker Mayes Boone Black Male Rape on a 9 year-old white girl, daughter or a railroad superintendent, and attempted rape of a farmers wife Hanged 2
1877-10-11 Dick Casey Dick Casey Carey Breckinridge Black Male Assaulting a married white woman Hanged 3
1969-12-31 Cook Cook Caldwell White Female Associated with an outlaw gang Hanged 4
1932-02-03 Alfred Neal Alfred Neal Clay Black Male Shot 5
1878-01-01 Stiver Stiver Striver Fayette Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 6
1878-01-16 John Davis John Davis Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Hanged 7
1877-07-01 James Anderson James Anderson Jarvis Anderson Fulton White Male Depredations upon farms; horse theft Riddled with bullets or hanged 8
1877-03-01 Morton Morton Harrison Black Male Causing the death of a neighbor Stabbed 9
1877-09-03 Robert Goodrich Robert Goodrich Bob Goodrich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 10
1877-09-03 James Simmons James Simmons Jim Simmons, King Simmons Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 11
1877-09-03 James Goodrich James Goodrich Joe Goodrich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 12
1877-09-03 Samuel Godrich Samuel Godrich Sam Goodrich, Sam Gorich Henry White Male Murder of persons in Owen and Henry counties Hanged 13
1877-12-24 John Nephew John Nephew Jessamine Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man, a grocer Hanged 14
1877-07-01 J. O. Gibbs J. O. Gibbs Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 15
1877-07-01 Andrew Cumming Andrew Cumming Andrew Cummings, Andrew Cummins Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 16
1877-07-01 Kirk Kink Kirk Kink Kirk King, Kirk Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 17
1877-07-01 James Smith James Smith Rockcastle White Male Robbery Hanged Ku klux 18
1877-03-30 John R. Taber John R. Taber John R. Tiber Rowan White Male 19
1878-01-16 Tom Turner Tom Turner Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Shot 20
1878-01-16 Edward Claxton Edward Claxton Ed Clapton Fayette Black Male Knowledge of a murder of a white man Hanged 21
1878-02-15 Reuben Dennis Reuben Dennis Shelby Black Male Striking a white man with a stick of wood during an altercation Shot Ku klux Masked 22
1878-07-02 Sam Champion Sam Champion Livingston Black Male Entered the bedroom of a 16 year-old white girl Hanged Black 23
1878-07-05 George Bullitt George Bullitt Henry Burnett Rowan Black Male outrageous conduct toward a white family; threatening to burn a white mans house Hanged 24
1878-08-16 Green Green Johnson Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 25
1878-08-16 Green Green Johnson Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged 26
1878-08-24 Will Green Will Green Gallatin Black Male Shot 27
1878-08-28 Edward Jackson Edward Jackson Ed Jackson, Ned Jackson Whitley Black Male Having an intimate relationship with a married white woman (not rape) Hanged and riddled with bullets 28
1878-09-20 George Duncan George Duncan Caldwell White Male Attempted rape of a high status white girl Disguised 29
1878-11-21 George Williams George Williams Oldham Black Male Outrageous assault on a 8 year-old white child Hanged 30
1878-11-26 Thomas Little Thomas Little Tom Little Breathitt White Male Protecting his brother who was accused of killing his wife Shot 31
1878-11-26 John W. Burnett John W. Burnett Judge Burnett Breathitt White Male Trying to protect a prisoner who was accused of killing his wife Shot 32
1878-11-26 William Freeman William Freeman Breathitt White Male Riddled with bullets 33
1879-03-16 Peter Klein Peter Klein Peter Klien , Peter Kline Campbell White Male Felonious assault upon a married white woman Hanged Masked 34
1879-03-23 Jerry Ewing Jerry Ewing Fulton Black Male Rape of a 10-12 year-old white girl, daughter of his employer Shot Masked 35
1879-06-22 Henry Black Female Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 36
1879-06-22 Henry Russell Henry Russell Henry Black Male Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 37
1879-06-22 Faulkner Faulkner Henry Black Female Unreported. Race prejudice. Shot Possible Ku klux 38
1879-07-14 John Breckinridge John Breckinridge John Breckenridge Nicholas Black Male Outraged an unmarried white woman Hanged 39
1879-09-04 Theodore Daniel Theodore Daniel Theodore Daniels Boone Black Male Attempted outrage of an unmarried 15 year-old white girl Riddled with bullets Disguised 40
1879-10-20 John W. Kendell John W. Kendell John W. Kendall, J. W. Kendell Elliott White Male Being an outlaw Hanged 41
1879-10-20 Wm. McMills Wm. McMills Wm. McMilan, William McMillan Elliott White Male Being an outlaw Hanged 42
1880-03-18 James Binion James Binion Jas. Binion, James Bincon Carter White Male Housing a notorious character Shot Regulators 43
1880-03-18 John Boggs John Boggs  Carter White Male Being a notorious character Hanged and shot Regulators 44
1880-04-02 Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Ben Plunktum Clark Black Male Assault on a respectable young [white] lady Hanged 45
1880-05-08 Joe Johnson Joe Johnson Todd Black Male Outrage and murder of a married white woman Hanged and shot 46
1880-06-26 Jack Williams Jack Williams Union Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged and shot 47
1880-08-03 Mason Black Male Killing a white man Regulators 48
1880-08-03 Mason Black Male Killing a white man Regulators 49
1880-08-26 Green Ellis Green Ellis Green Easy, Green Erzy Todd Black Male Robbing and beating a white woman Hanged 50
1880-12-23 John Campbell John Campbell Hart Black Male Murderous assault and robbery on a white man Hanged 51
1880-12-23 Sam Campbell Sam Campbell Hart Black Male Murderous assault and robbery on a white man Hanged 52
1881-04-28 John Winn John Winn Bourbon White Male Murder of a white man, his employer and 18-19 year-old lovers son Multiple shots Masked 53
1881-08-16 Ed Reines Ed Reines E. Reeves Graves Black Male Attempted ravishing of an unmarried white woman 54
1881-09-12 Samuel Ramey Samuel Ramey Samuel Rainey, Sam Ramsey Bath White Male Murder if a young farmer Hanged 55
1882-03-06 Robert Sarver Robert Sarver Bob Sarver Simpson Black Male Attempted outrage of a 15 year-old white girl Hanged Masked 56
1882-04-27 Bradford Courts Bradford Courts Bracken White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 57
1882-04-27 William Courts William Courts Wm. Courts Bracken White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 58
1882-06-03 George Ellis George Ellis Boyd White Male Murder of a white boy and two white girls, and outrage on one girl Hanged Masked 59
1882-06-15 James Mitchell James Mitchell Jim Mitchell Montgomery Black Male Outrage on a married white woman Hanged 60
1882-07-12 Wm. Ritter Wm. Ritter William Ritter Henderson Black Male Rape and murder of a 12 year old black/mulatto girl Hanged Black Masked 61
1882-08-02 Richard Speakman Richard Speakman Richard Spearman Barren White Male Outraged a married white woman Hanged and shot 62
1882-08-02 Bishop Emberton Bishop Emberton Bish Emberton, Dish Emberton Barren White Male Outraged a married white woman Hanged and shot 63
1882-08-09 Pharmer McCoy Pharmer McCoy Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 64
1882-08-09 Randolph Jr. McCoy Randolph McCoy Jr. Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 65
1882-08-09 Tolbert McCoy Tolbert McCoy Pike White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets 66
1882-08-12 Budd Campbell Budd Campbell Bud Campbell Caldwell White Male Being a desperado Shot and hanged 67
1882-08-12 Riley Campbell Riley Campbell Caldwell White Male Being a desperado Riddled with bullets 68
1882-09-29 Mary Sullivan Mary Sullivan Caldwell White Female Accomplice to murder of her lover Hanged 69
1883-05-08 Wat Cox Wat Cox Hopkins Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman Hanged Masked 70
1883-05-12 Vaughn Helton Vaughn Helton Vaughn Hilton, Vaughan Hilton Menifee White Male Shot 71
1883-05-30 Sid Combs Sid Combs Ted Combs, Ed Combs Letcher White Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 72
1883-06-10 Henry Colbert Henry Colbert Fulton Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Shot Masked 73
1883-10-12 Nelson Cooper Nelson Cooper Logan Black Male Murder of a disreputable white man Hanged Masked 74
1883-10-12 Samuel Bailey Samuel Bailey Samuel Daly, Sambo Daily/Bailey, Sambo Jarley Logan Black Male Murder of a disreputable white man Hanged Masked 75
1883-11-09 James Truxtill James Truxtill James Truxhill, James Troxtill Pulaski White Male Outrage on a married white woman Hanged 76
1884-02-19 Pinten Young Pinten Young Peyton Young Marion Black Male Assaulting a white woman, possibly a prostitute Hanged 77
1884-02-19 Benjamin McElroy Benjamin McElroy Ben McElroy Marion Black Male Assaulting a white woman, possibly a prostitute Hanged 78
1884-04-09 William Strong William Strong String, Ben Strong Breathitt Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 79
1884-04-09 Henry Kilburn Henry Kilburn Kenry Kilburn Breathitt White Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 80
1884-05-04 Charles Dickerson Charles Dickerson C. D. Dickerson Boone Black Male Burglary Hanged Masked 81
1884-05-09 Miles Petty Miles Petty Niles Petty Hardin Black Male Outraged an unmarried white woman Hanged Masked 82
1884-07-05 Bill Gillespe Bill Gillespe Nicholas Black Male Murder of a black man Shot Possibly black 83
1884-07-06 Richard Henderson Richard Henderson Dick Henderson Logan Black Male Cutting white boy Masked 84
1884-07-14 W. J. Lucas W. J. Lucas Daviess White Male Defending the jail from a lynch mob Shot Masked 85
1884-07-14 Richard May Richard May Dick May Daviess Black Male Attempted rape of a young white woman, daughter of a prominent farmer Hanged Masked 86
1884-11-25 John G. Hughes John G. Hughes J. G. Hughes Rowan White Male Regulators 87
1884-12-10 John P. Martin John P. Martin John Martin Rowan White Male Murder of a white man Riddled with bullets Masked 88
1885-01-03 John Stapleton John Stapleton John Stepleton, James Stapleton, Jno. Stapleton Magoffin White Male Accessory to murder of a 27 year-old white man Hanged 89
1885-05-26 Wesley Hicks Wesley Hicks Wes Hicks Simpson White Male Burning a home and a barn Hanged 90
1885-05-26 Jerry Taylor Jerry Taylor Simpson White Male Burning a home and a barn Hanged 91
1885-09-11 Sam Scales Sam Scales Richard Scales Boone White Male Rape of a 5 year-old white girl Hanged and riddled with bullets Ku klux 92
1886-01-24 Calvin Simpson Calvin Simpson Clement Simpson Henderson Black Male Murder of an old married white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 93
1886-03-10 Handy Woodward Handy Woodward Logan Black Male Attempted outrage of a 12 year-old white girl Hanged Masked 94
1886-03-22 Hampton Wade Hampton Wade H_elp Wade, Help Wade Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 95
1886-03-22 Alexander North Alexander North Alex North, Unnamed Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 96
1886-03-22 Henry Shaw Henry Shaw Logan Black Male Attempted rape of a white woman Hanged 97
1886-04-28 Meredith Jones Meredith Jones Mendy Jones, Meridy Jones, Merudy Jones Logan Black Male Attempted rape of two white girls Shot Masked 98
1886-06-28 Turkison Turkison Turkinson Elliott White Male Arson of a church and four homes and poisoning cattle Shot 99
1886-06-28 Simens Simens Siemens, Simons/Simmons Elliott White Male Arson of a church and four homes and poisoning cattle Shot 100
1887-01-29 Wm. Lud Cornish Wm. Lud Cornish William Cornish Washington White Male Murder of a young white woman and beating her mother Hanged Masked 101
1887-03-10 William Jackson William Jackson Wm. Jackson Pendleton Black Male Killed a white man Hanged Masked 102
1887-07-20 John Vanderford John Vanderford Fulton Black Male Criminal assault on a 6 year-old white girl Hanged and shot 103
1887-09-03 Charles Coleman Charles Coleman Thomas Coleman Fleming Black Male Assault on a widowed white woman and attempted criminal assault on a young, unmarried white woman Hanged 104
1887-12-24 Thomas Doss Thomas Doss Tom Doss, Thomas Dass, Tom Dess Simpson Black Male Killing an old white man Hanged Masked 105
1888-02-27 Samuel Price Samuel Price Sam Price, Isaac Price Hickman White Male Murder of a white man, a sheriff Hanged Masked 106
1888-02-27 Bill Reams Bill Reams William Reaws, William Reams Hickman Black Male Murderous assault on a white man, a farmer Hanged Masked 107
1888-03-14 John Henry Skinner John Henry Skinner Henry H. Skinner, John Reynolds Christian Black Male Attempted murder of a white man, a farmer; shot a white woman Hanged Masked 108
1888-05-10 Thomas Reney Thomas Reney Warren Black Male Poisoning 20 horses belong to his former white employer Hanged 109
1888-06-10 James Foster James Foster Henderson Black Male Rape of 8 year-old black girl Hanged Black and white 110
1888-07-06 Robert Bryan Robert Bryan Henderson Black Male Murder of a white teenaged boy Hanged Masked 111
1889-05-20 Joseph Thornton Joseph Thornton Joe Thornton, Jos. Thornton Ballard Black Male Rape of young white girl Hanged - strangulation Masked 112
1889-06-22 Tony Cravasso Tony Cravasso Toney Cravasso, Tony Gravasso Bell White Male Murder of a white man, a railroad contractor Hanged 113
1889-06-26 Harry Ardell Harry Ardell Charles Ardell, Harry Forrest, Ardwell Bullitt White Male Murder of a Polish Jew peddler Hanged Masked 114
1889-07-26 James Kelly James Kelly Jim Kelly Bourbon Black Male Rape of a married white woman, wife of a section boss of the Kentucky Central railroad Hanged 115
1889-09-01 Wayne Black Male Outraging a 12 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent and wealthy farmer Burned at the stake 116
1889-11-24 Joseph A. Smith Joseph A. Smith J. O. A. Smith, O. A. Smith Todd White Male Murder of a white man, a marshal Hanged 117
1889-12-09 Jack Turner Jack Turner John Turner Green Black Male Murder of a young white man Hanged 118
1889-12-19 Doc Jones Doc Jones Dock Jones Daviess Black Male Murder of a white barber Hanged 119
1890-03-20 Dan Gruell Dan Gruell Benjamin Grewell Harrison White Male Swindling, threatening to kill his neighbors, cruelity to his wife Hanged Masked 120
1890-04-16 Samuel Moody Samuel Moody Sam Moody, Samuel Woody Logan Black Male Murder of his father Hanged and riddled with bullets Black 121
1890-06-24 Henry Watson Henry Watson Henry Watts Breckinridge Black Male Attempted rape of a 12 year-old white girl, daughter of a well-known citizen Hanged 122
1890-08-21 John Henderson John Henderson Woodford Black Male Murder of a prominent white farmer, his employer Hanged 123
1890-10-02 Ernest Humphreys Ernest Humphreys Caldwell Black Male Murder of a black man Hanged 124
1891-04-16 Will Skaggs Will Skaggs William Skapp, Will Skapp Warren Black Male Murderous assault on a white man Shot Masked 125
1891-05-20 Henry Wilcox Henry Wilcox Hy Wilcox, George Wilcox Elliott White Male Kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 21 year-old unmarried white woman, a school teacher Shot 126
1891-05-20 John Wilcox John Wilcox Elliott White Male Kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 21 year-old unmarried white woman, a school teacher Shot 127
1891-06-09 Ivan E. Shelby Ivan E. Shelby Evans Shelby Ballard White Male Murder and robbery of a married white woman Hanged 128
1891-07-17 Frank Rossimus Frank Rossimus Frank Rassimus Bell White Male Attempted to provoke the police into an ambush Shot Masked 129
1891-07-20 Sam Pulliam Sam Pulliam Sam Pullman, Samuel Pulhani Anderson Black Male Rape of a respectable young [white] married woman, wife of a prominent farmer Hanged 130
1891-07-24 Jobe Grainger Jobe Grainger John Granger, John Grange, John Trainger Simpson Black Male Threatened white man, his employer Hanged 131
1891-08-28 James Dudley James Dudley Frank Dudley, John Dudley Scott Black Male Murder of a white man, a wealthy farmer Hanged and shot 132
1891-09-15 Joe Gilland Joe Gilland Josiah Gilliland Pulaski White Male Murder of a white sheriff Hanged 133
1891-09-15 James Harve Gilland James Harve Gilland Harvey Gilland, James H. Gilliland Pulaski White Male Murder of a white sheriff Hanged 134
1891-11-11 Joe Mitchell Joe Mitchell Fulton Black Male Attempted rape of white girl - Hanged and shot 135
1892-01-27 Lige Gibson Lige Gibson Lee Gibson, Lego Gibson Owen Black Male Murder of a white man Hanged Masked 136
1892-05-31 Wick Willis Wick Willis Nick Willis, Heck Willis, Hech Willis Taylor Black Male Attempted to rape a young unmarried white woman Hanged 137
1892-06-06 Austin Porter Austin Porter Carter White Male Murdered his wife Hanged 138
1892-06-09 Charles Hill Charles Hill Charley Hill McCracken Black Male Assault on an unmarried white woman Hanged 139
1892-07-11 Elmer Edwards Elmer Edwards McCracken White Male Opposing a mob Shot Black 140
1892-07-12 Henry Purvine Henry Purvine McCracken Black Male Shot Militia 141
1892-07-13 John Redfern John Redfern J. R. Redferin Simpson White Male Murder of a white man and fatally injuring a black man Hanged 142
1892-08-16 Logan Murphy Logan Murphy Montgomery White Male Murder of a young white man 143
1892-09-02 John Wilcoxsen John Wilcoxsen John Wilcoxson Metcalfe Black Male Murder of a young white man, a farmer Shot 144
1892-12-19 James Bond James Bond Jim Bond, Jim Coleman Todd Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman Hanged 145
1892-12-28 Bob Harper Bob Harper Warren Black Male Murderous assault and probable rape upon an unmarried white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 146
1893-01-11 Edward Moorman Edward Moorman  Ed Moorman Meade Black Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged 147
1893-01-12 Richard Moorman Richard Moorman Dick Moorman Meade Black Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged 148
1893-05-03 James Collins James Collins John Collins, J. B. Clark, Jim Collins Grant White Male Theft Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 149
1893-07-07 Seay J. Miller Seay J. Miller Charles F. Miller, C. J. Miller, S. J. Miller/Glass-Eating Joe Carlisle Black Male Outrage and murder of two white girls, sisters Hanged 150
1893-07-19 Rodney Gray Rodney Gray McCracken Black Male Robbery Stabbed Black 151
1893-07-26 Graves Black Male Self-defense cut a white man with a knife Thrown into a threshing machine 152
1893-08-01 Felix Poole Felix Poole Ohio White Male Assault on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 153
1893-08-15 McCracken Black Male Ravishing a married white woman Shot 154
1893-08-18 Charles Walton Charles Walton Charles A. Waltoo, Charles Watson Union Black Male Murder of a 10 year-old white boy Hanged 155
1893-08-28 Leonard Taylor Leonard Taylor Leonard Gough, Dennis Goff Henry Black Male Murderous assault on a young/boy white (Italian) peddler Hanged Masked 156
1893-09-02 Wm. Akerson Wm. Akerson Bill Akerson, William Arkinson, William Arkison/Bill Atkison Lincoln Black Male Attempted outrage on a 8-9 year-old white girl Hanged 157
1893-12-15 Henry G. Givens Henry G. Givens Henry Givens Hopkins Black Male Poisoning stock and threatening to poison a school well Riddled with bullets 158
1894-01-07 Joshua Mitchell Joshua Mitchell Josh Mitchell Harrison Black Male Leader of a gang of thieves Riddled with bullets Whitecaps 159
1894-01-21 M. G. Gamble M. G. Gamble M. G. Gumble Whitley Black Male Outrage on an 11 year-old white girl Hanged 160
1894-03-02 Leonard Tye Leonard Tye Len Tye Harlan Black Male Kidnapping and repeated rapes of a white woman Skinned and head burned 161
1894-06-25 Caleb Gadly Caleb Gadly Caleb Godly, Cabel Gadley Warren Black Male Attempted outrage on a married white woman, his employers wife Hanged 162
1894-07-15 Edwin Traughber Edwin Traughber Logan White Male Bad character and attempted murder of a white family Hanged 163
1894-07-16 Marion Howard Marion Howard Allen Black Male Criminal assault on an under 10 year-old white girl Hanged 164
1894-07-17 Louis Laferdetta Louis Laferdetta Louis Lafardette, Louis Lafordette, Louis Lafierdettta Boone White Male Murder of a white man, a farmer Hanged Masked 165
1894-07-26 William Tyler William Tyler Wm. Tyler, Bill Tyler Nicholas Black Male Criminal assault on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 166
1894-08-14 Marshall Boston Marshall Boston Franklin Black Male Rape of a married white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 167
1894-10-01 Berry Rich Berry Rich Rich Berry Crittenden White Male Arson and theft of livestock Hanged Whitecaps 168
1894-10-09 Alexander Richardson Alexander Richardson Alex Richardson, Al Richardson Estill White Male Outrage and murder of a married white woman Hanged 169
1894-10-14 Willis Griffey Willis Griffey Caldwell Black Male Attempted criminal assault on an 18 year-old unmarried white woman Hanged and riddled with bullets 170
1894-10-14 Oscar Morton Oscar Morton Oscar Martin Lee White Male Murder of white man, a sheriff Hanged and riddled with bullets 171
1894-10-30 Edward Martin Edward Martin Eddie Martin, Eddy Martin Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists; refusing to inform on another man Hanged 172
1894-11-04 Gabe Nalls Gabe Nalls Gabe Nolla, Gobella, George B. Nolla Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists Whitecaps 173
1894-11-04 Ulysses Nalls Ulysses Nalls Ulyssess Nalls, Ulysses Nolla, Son of Gobella Crittenden White Male Member of a gang of thieves and arsonists Whitecaps 174
1894-12-08 Thomas Edgington Thomas Edgington Washington White Male Wife-beating Shot Whitecaps 175
1895-01-01 Tom Blair Tom Blair Thomas Blair, Thomas Blau Montgomery White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 176
1895-04-25 George Ray George Ray Washington Black Male Illicit relations with white women and making threats against whitecaps Hanged Whitecaps 177
1895-05-16 John M. Howardton John M. Howardton John Howerton, John Howeston, John Powerton Crittenden White Male Criminal assault on the 16 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent white farmer Hanged 178
1895-05-24 Claude Kennedy Claude Kennedy Claude Thompson Union Black Male Attempted outrage on a 13 year-old white girl Hanged 179
1895-06-28 Mollie Smith Mollie Smith Milly Smith Trigg White Female Aiding murderer of two white men, farmers Riddled with buckshot 180
1895-06-28 Abitahl Colston Abitahl Colston C. Frank Colston Trigg White Male Murder of two white men, farmers Riddled with buckshot 181
1895-07-08 Hewlett Howton Hewlett Howton Howton Howelett Caldwell White Male Suspected of burning some fences and informing Shot Masked 182
1895-07-16 Robert Haggard Robert Haggard Robert Huggard, Bob Haggard Clark Black Male Attempting to criminally assault a young unmarried white woman Hanged 183
1895-08-26 Harrison Lewis Harrison Lewis Washington Black Male Murder of a black man Hanged Black 184
1895-09-02 William Butcher William Butcher Wm. Butcher Fulton Black Male Assault and threatening white police officer Riddled with bullets Whitecaps 185
1895-11-18 Henderson Black Male Assault on a 18 year-old black girl Shot Black 186
1895-11-18 Henderson Black Male Assault on a 18 year-old black girl Shot Black 187
1895-11-23 Marshall Black Male Train wrecking Riddled with bullets 188
1895-12-29 William Dever William Dever Wm. Dever, William Deveres Marion White Male Adultery Riddled with bullets 189
1895-12-29 Mrs. T. J. West Mrs. T. J. West Mrs. Thomas J. West Marion White Female Adultery Burned 190
1896-02-15 Fountain Martin Fountain Martin Fomit Martin, Fount Martin Wayne White Male Barn-burning Hanged Masked 191
1896-03-13 John Windors John Windors John Winders, John Windsors Todd White Male Wife-beating and general misconduct Hanged Whitecaps 192
1896-05-10 W. H. Paschall W. H. Paschall Unnamed Negro, Unknown Negro Fulton Black Male Murderous assault on a white man, a marshal Hanged 193
1896-09-10 Thomas White Thomas White Caldwell Black Male Shot Whitecaps 194
1896-12-07 Thomas Barnett Thomas Barnett Breathitt White Male Mistaken identity Shot Ku klux 195
1896-12-18 Dink Procter Dink Procter Pink Proctor, Dink Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged 196
1896-12-18 Arch Procter Arch Procter Arch Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged 197
1896-12-18 William Procter William Procter Bill Proctor, Wm. Procter, Will Proctor Logan White Male Murder of two white boys Hanged and riddled with bullets 198
1896-12-18 George Finley George Finley Henry Finley Graves Black Male Attacking a white man Shot Masked 199
1896-12-21 James Stone James Stone Jim Stone Graves Black Male Criminally assaulting a married white woman Hanged and shot Masked 200
1896-12-22 Will Suett Will Suett William Suett, Will Suet Graves Black Male Race prejudice Shot 201
1896-12-26 Alfred Alexander Alfred Alexander Alf Alexander, Alfred Holt Daviess Black Male Murder of a white man, a policeman Hanged-strangulation 202
1897-02-04 Robert Morton Robert Morton Warren Black Male Writing an insulting letter to a young unmarried white woman Hanged 203
1897-04-12 Wilber Boyden Wilber Boyden William Brayden, William Braydee, Wilber Bayden Bell White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 204
1897-07-21 Ephraim Brinkley Ephraim Brinkley Hopkins White Male Bad character, suspected murderer, and hog & cattle thief Hanged 205
1897-08-06 Jack Williams Jack Williams Knox White Male Criminally assaulting a white girl, a deaf mute 206
1897-08-13 George Wilson George Wilson Nicholas Black Male Bad reputation; robbery Hanged 207
1897-08-22 Elkanah Sullivan Elkanah Sullivan Eleany Sullivan, Elcany Sullivan Whitley White Male Murderous assault on his sister-in-law Hanged 208
1897-09-26 Raymond Bushrod Raymond Bushrod Raymond Brushrod Hancock Black Male Rape of a 14 year-old white girl Hanged 209
1898-02-23 Richard Allen Richard Allen Graves Black Male Robbery Hanged-strangulation 210
1898-06-16 Caleb Gaines Caleb Gaines Gams Calls Barren Black Male Attempted to outrage a young white girl Hanged 211
1898-06-26 George Scott George Scott George Stout Logan Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a married white woman Hanged 212
1898-10-21 Arch Bauer Arch Bauer Arch Baun, Arch Baur Cumberland Black Male Assaulting and attempted murder of a young unmarried white woman, a prominent white farmers daughter Hanged and shot 213
1898-11-30 Fulton Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man 214
1898-12-14 Pleas Goin Pleas Goin Bell White Male Killing one white man and fatally wounding another white man Hanged and riddled with bullets 215
1899-06-27 Henry Stewart Henry Stewart Henry Stevens Fulton Black Male Robbery and assault on a white man Hanged Black and white 216
1899-08-19 John Bolin John Bolin Squab Bolin Fulton Black Male Murder and robbery of a white man Hanged 217
1899-12-06 Richard Coleman Richard Coleman Dick Coleman Mason Black Male Rape and murder of the wife of a well-to-do white farmer, his employer Burned 218
1900-10-18 Fratus Warfield Fratus Warfield Fraten Warfield, Fratur Warfield, Erastus Warfield Todd Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a married white woman Hanged 219
1901-02-11 George Carter George Carter Bourbon Black Male Attempted assault on a married white woman, wife of a banker Hanged - strangulation 220
1901-08-20 Frank Stevens Frank Stevens Ohio Black Male Assault on a married white woman Hanged 221
1901-09-12 Samuel Feed Samuel Feed Samuel Reed, Sam Reed, Frank Feed Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 222
1901-09-12 Frank Howard Frank Howard Sam Howard Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 223
1901-09-12 Ernest Harris Ernest Harris Ernst Harrison Ballard Black Male Murder of an old and respected negro, according to the Constitution and the Courier-Journal Hanged Mostly black with some whites 224
1901-10-02 Jimbo Fields Jimbo Fields Jumbo Fields, Jumbo Field Shelby Black Male Murder of a white man, a printer Hanged 225
1901-10-02 Clarence Garnett Clarence Garnett Clarence Garnet Shelby Black Male Murder of a white man, a printer Hanged 226
1901-10-08 Mrs. Ben C. Perkins Mrs. Ben C. Perkins Shelby White Female Being present at the lynching Frightened 227
1901-10-26 Robert H. Coffey Robert H. Coffey  Christian White Male Labor troubles in the coal mines Riddled with bullets 228
1901-10-31 Silas Esters Silas Esters LaRue Black Male Sexual molestation of a 15 year-old white boy Riddled with bullets 229
1902-01-11 James Mayes James Mayes Jim Mays, Jas. Mays Washington Black Male Assaulted the unmarried daughter of a prominent white farmer Hanged 230
1902-02-06 Thomas Brown Thomas Brown Tom Brown Jessamine Black Male Criminal assault on a 15 year-old white girl, daughter of once local Republican leader Hanged 231
1902-02-14 Bill Dooley Bill Dooley Bell Duly, Bell Dooley, Duly Bell Fulton Black Male Altercation with a white Special Officer Shot 232
1902-03-19 Elijah Drake Elijah Drake Breckinridge Black Male Stealing chickens Shot 233
1902-03-20 James Stewart James Stewart Jas. Stewart Breckinridge Black Male Larceny Shot 234
1902-04-30 Ernest Dewley Ernest Dewley Ernest Deewly Meade Black Male Shooting (wounding) a young white man Hanged and riddled with bullets 235
1902-07-17 Joshua Anderson Joshua Anderson Josh Anderson, Joseph Anderson, John Anderson Daviess White Male Murder of his wife Hanged Masked 236
1902-11-16 Harlan Buckles Harlan Buckles Harlan Buckless, Allen Buckles Hardin Black Male Murder of a white deputy sheriff Hanged 237
1903-01-24 John Jones John Jones McLean Black Male Assault on a 27 year-old married black woman Shot-drown Black 238
1903-07-15 William Thacker William Thacker Wm. Thacker, William Thackson Fleming White Male Murder of a white man Hanged 239
1903-10-16 Thomas Hall Thomas Hall Tom Hall, Bob Duglas, Bob Douglas Ballard Black Male Shooting a 18 year-old white boy Hanged 240
1904-01-24 Lewis Radford Lewis Radford Todd Black Male Rape and murder of a black woman Shot and hanged Black 241
1904-08-30 Joseph Bumpass Joseph Bumpass Joe Bumpass Fulton Black Male Attempted criminal assault on a 13-18 year-old unmarried white girl Drown 242
1905-07-07 Leon Beard Leon Beard Lon Beard, Lew Beard Spencer Black Male Attempt to assault a married white woman Riddled with bullets 243
1905-09-24 Moses Lovern Moses Lovern Pike Black Male Assaulting a white man Whipped, beaten, and stoned Masked 244
1905-10-12 Frank Leavell Frank Leavell Todd Black Male Attempted for force entry into the home of an unmarried white woman and her mother  Hanged Masked 245
1905-10-17 Virgil Bowers Virgil Bowers Virgil Powers Laurel Black Male Murder of a white man, a prominent and wealth white lumber dealer Hanged Masked 246
1906-01-21 Ernest Baker Ernest Baker Trigg Black Male Attempted criminal assault on an unmarried 18 year-old white girl Hanged 247
1907-08-16 Will Clifford Will Clifford William Clifford, Wm. Clifford Hickman Black Male Rape and murder of 50-56 year-old married white woman Hanged 248
1908-03-21 Harlan Hedges Harlan Hedges Nicholas White Male Refused to put his tobacco crop in a collective pool Shot Night riders 249
1908-03-24 Tom Weaver Tom Weaver Thomas Weaver Trigg Black Male Shot Night riders 250
1908-04-03 George Tutt George Tutt Todd Black Male Carrying a revolver Masked 251
1908-05-31 Jake McDowell Jake McDowell Jacob McDowell Webster Black Male Murderous assault on a white deputy marshal Shot 252
1908-08-01 Joseph Riley Joseph Riley Joe Riley Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 253
1908-08-01 John Jones John Jones Thomas Jones , Thos. Jones, Tom Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 254
1908-08-01 Virgil Jones Virgil Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 255
1908-08-01 Robert Boyer Robert Boyer Robert Jones, Robt. Jones Logan Black Male Approved of the killing of a white farmer by a black tenant Hanged 256
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Child of Davis, Walkers Child Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 257
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Daughter of Davis, Child of Wallace Fulton Black Female Race prejudice Shot Night riders 258
1908-10-03 David Walker David Walker Dave Walker, David Wallace, Wallace Davis Fulton Black Male Cursed white woman and threatened a white man Riddled with bullets Night riders 259
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 260
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Walkers Child, Child of David Wallace, Child of Davis Fulton Black Race prejudice Shot Night riders 261
1908-10-03 Mrs. David Walker Mrs. David Walker Mrs. Wallace Davis, Mrs. Wallace, Wife of David Wallace Fulton Black Female Race prejudice Shot Night riders 262
1908-10-03 Walker Walker Child of Davis, Walkers Child, Child of Wallace Fulton Black Cursed a white woman and threatened a white man with a pistol Shot Night riders 263
1908-12-16 Elmer Hill Elmer Hill James Hill Russell White Male Murder of his cousin, a 12 year-old white girl Hanged 264
1909-04-09 Benjamin/Ben Brame Benjamin/Ben Brame Booker Brame, Bennie Booker Brame, Bennie Brame Trigg Black Male Attempted rape of 17 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent Trigg Co. farmer Hanged 265
1909-06-03 John Maxey John Maxey Jno. Maxey, John May Franklin Black Male Shot a white man, employee of a circus Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 266
1909-08-09 John Simpson John Simpson Allen White Male Involved in a dispute over custody of a child Shot Masked 267
1909-08-09 Wallace Miller Wallace Miller Trigg Black Male Attempted assault on 11 year-old white girl, daughter of a prominent farmer Hanged 268
1910-03-29 Charles Carroll Charles Carroll Carroll Edmonson White Male Shot Night riders 269
1911-01-15 Eugene Marshall Eugene Marshall Gene Marshall Shelby Black Male Murder of a black woman Hanged Masked 270
1911-01-15 Wade Patterson Wade Patterson John Patterson Shelby Black Male Insulted white women Shot Masked 271
1911-01-15 James West James West Sam West, Jim West Shelby Black Male Attempting liberties with a 14 year-old white girl flirting Masked 272
1911-04-20 William Potter William Potter M. Potter, Will Porter McLean Black Male Wounded a 22 year-old white man Riddled with bullets 273
1911-05-22 J. W. King J. W. King Letcher White Male Hanged 274
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 275
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 276
1911-05-25 Letcher White Male Hanged 277
1913-09-26 Joseph Richardson Joseph Richardson Joe Richardson Grayson Black Male Criminal assault on an 11 year-old white girl 278
1914-11-12 Henry Allen Henry Allen Henry Alley Muhlenberg White Male Possible falling out with a band of regulators Hanged Regulators 279
1915-01-12 Pedro Mohundro Pedro Mohundro Pedro Molinndro, Pedro Molfundro, P. Molinndro/Peter Onohund Ballard Black Male Failed to leave the area Riddled with bullets Night riders Masked 280
1915-02-09 Thomas Tinker Thomas Tinker Tom Tinker Graves White Male Murder of a white man, a constable Hanged and riddled with bullets 281
1915-02-12 Houston Underwood Houston Underwood Estill White Male Mistaken identity Shot 282
1915-06-04 Arthur Bell Arthur Bell Caldwell Black Male Burglary and attempted to assault a young married white woman Hanged Masked 283
1915-11-28 Ellis Buckner Ellis Buckner Henderson Black Male Detaining an unmarried white woman against her will Hanged Masked 284
1916-10-16 Brack Kinley Brack Kinley Brock Henley, Brick Kenley  McCracken Black Male Beat and criminally assaulted a married white woman Hanged 285
1916-10-16 Luther Durrett Luther Durrett James Thornhill, Jesse Durett McCracken Black Male Criticized mob taking Brack Kinley to be lynched and threatening whites Hanged 286
1917-05-20 Lawrence Dempsey Lawrence Dempsey Laurence Dempsey Fulton Black Male Assault with a razor upon a white railroad watchman Hanged 287
1918-12-16 Charles Lewis Charles Lewis Charlie Lewis Fulton Black Male Assaulting a white man, a deputy sheriff, robbery Hanged Masked 288
1920-02-09 L. M. King L. M. King Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 289
1920-02-09 John Thomas John Thomas Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 290
1920-02-09 William Effington William Effington Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 291
1920-02-09 B. F. Carrier B. F. Carrier Fayette White Male Member of the lynch mob Shot Troops 292
1920-03-29 Grant Smith Grant Smith Fleming Black Male Rape [twice] of the teenage daughter of his former employer Hanged 293
1921-03-13 Richard James Richard James Woodford Black Male Murder of two white men Hanged 294
1923-08-10 Dinnie Williams Dinnie Williams Harlan White Male Killed a white man, a coal miner Shot 295
1924-10-26 Frederick Shannon Frederick Shannon Kid Shannon, Fred Shannon Floyd Black Male Murdered a white man Riddled with bullets 296
1926-06-15 Primus Kirby Primus Kirby Trimus Kirby Todd Black Male Murdered his wife and wounded a white man, a deputy Hanged and riddled with bullets 297
1929-12-25 Chester Fugate Chester Fugate Breathitt White Male Murder of a white man Shot 298
1932-04-16 C. P. Stivers C. P. Stivers C.T. Stivers Clay Black Male Being a witness to the killing of a black man Multiple shotgun blasts 299
1932-05-31 Walter Merrick Walter Merrick Caldwell White Male Dynamiting store and seriously injuring its white owner Hanged Masked 300
1934-01-24 Rex Scott Rex Scott Knott Black Male Clubbing a white man during an altercation who later died Hanged and riddled with bullets Masked 301

Visualizing the Past: Maps of Racial Violence in Kentucky

Explore the collection of maps that vividly illustrate the historical trends and patterns of racial violence in Kentucky. These maps shed the light on the locations, incidents, and impact of racial violence.

Remembering the Victims: Personal Biographies

Read the biographies that narrate the lives of victims of racial violence. These impactful biographies serve to reflect on the past and memorialize the victims of racial injustice in Kentucky.

A Classroom Perspective: Lesson Plans

View comprehensive lesson plans and teaching content focused on the complex history of racial violence. Educators and learners alike will find valuable resources designed to facilitate thoughtful discussions, promote historical awareness, and foster empathy.

Connecting the Victims: StoryMap

Through an innovative combination of maps and compelling narratives, this story map connects the geographical and personal dimensions of each life lost, offering a poignant and insightful exploration of the broader impact of racial violence.

Explore the Exhibit

Explore the exhibit dedicated to chronicling the history of racial violence in Kentucky through a curated collection media artifacts.

About DRVK

Refutes long-standing, but false claims that a milder form of racism existed in Kentucky than in other southern states. This project researches and develops biographies of every person who was lynched in Kentucky between 1880 and 1955 using historical tools like census record data, birth and death certificates, and newspaper articles.

Encourages cooperation across the Commonwealth as community members come to terms with the events of the past, memorialize injustice, and encourage reconciliation.

Provides undergraduate students with essential experiential learning and encourages career readiness.  Student interns practice the detective work that archival research requires, learning to use microfilm, census records, court transcripts, city directories, property deeds and more, under the careful direction of professor advisors.

Funding Support