A mob attacked the Owensboro jail at an early hour Monday morning to secure a negro named Richard May, charged with rape. W.J. Lucas, the Jailer, resisted the attack, and was killed by the volley of shots that were interchanged. The mob then broke…
Crime Quickly Avenged
William Tyler, the Nicholas County Fiend, Hanged by a Mob At Carlisle This Morning– Taken from Jail By Friends of the Girl He Assaulted and Hanged to a Bridge
Carlisle, Ky., July 26– (Special.)– William Tyler, the negro who…
Killed By A Mob
A Negro at Hodgenville Shot Full of HolesHodgenville, Ky., Oct. 31– A mob of 50 or 75 determined citizens arrived in town about 2 o’clock this morning and took from jail Silas Esters, the negro who forced Granville Ward, a…
Negro Who Ravished Miss Power in Jessamine County– Took Him from the Officers and Strung Him Up– The Girl Earnestly Begged That He Be Not Hanged Near Her Home
Fully Identified By His VictimNicholasville, Ky., Feb. 6– Tom Brown, the negro…
Lynched in Daytime
Tom Brown, Identified as a Ravisher, Hanged at Jail Door
Nicholasville, Ky., Feb. 6– Tom Brown, colored, was taken from the officers at the jail door this afternoon at one o’clock and lynched in the court house yard in the…
Kentucky Mob Lynches Negro
Takes Him From Officers and Hangs Him to Tree– The Man Had Assaulted a White Girl, Miss Delia Powell, and Being Fully Identified By Her, Was Swiftly Punished for His Awful Crime
Nicholasville, Ky., Feb. 6– Tom Brown, the…
Was Hanged By Mob
Harlan Buckles Had Been Given Life Sentence in Prison– Jury’s Verdict Did Not Please Them– Was Hanged Sunday Morning– Jailer Patterson Was at Depot Loading Stock When Mob Made Raid On His Bastile
Elizabethtown, Ky., Nov. 17–…
Bad Man
Hanged at Courthouse Gate in Paris– George Carter the Victim– Mob Composed of About Twenty-Five Men– The Negro’s Black Record
Paris, Ky., Feb. 11– [Special]– George Carter, a negro aged about twenty-one years, was hanged to the arch over…
Youth Accused of Slugging is Lynched by Mob
20-Year-Old Negro Is Taken From Hazard Jail and Shot to Death– Three Men Arrested– Investigation Is Started By Officers In Perry County Today
Hazard, Ky., Jan. 25– Four men were held for questioning today…
Two Negro Boys Were Lynched at Shelbyville
Found Hanging to Bridge at Daylight; Had Murdered Printer
Shelbyville, Ky., Oct. 2– “We, the jury, find that Jimbo Fields and Clarence Garnett came to their death upon the C & O railroad trestle by…